
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Morning at the A.G.O

Today, the baby and I went to the Art Gallery of Ontario.  We had to get out of the house because they were spraying foam insulation in the joists.  I am embarassed to admit I haven't been to the AGO since they completed the reno. (Actually, I haven't been there since I was 17 but it sounds more sophisticated to say "since the renovation")...

The baby slept nearly the whole time.  He woke up in the Henry Moore room and was oooo-ing and ahhh-ing.  Very cute.

I enjoyed seeing paintings from their permanent collection that I hadn't viewed since I was a teenager (Yes, I remember).  I noticed how I am drawn to impressionists, and also to the group of seven.  I never really enjoyed them before.  I also took pleasure looking at contemporary art, and no longer feel the need to "get it"...I just enjoy it.
I snapped this picture of 'Multinoir', by Guido Molinari because I like its simplicity.  I also like that it found its way onto a gallery wall...I figure it must have more depth than I can account for (Bar code?).  It drew me I want to find out more!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been since the 'renovation' either! Gotta take my kiddies in the summer...glad to see it was worth it!
