
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Toronto Craigslist Scavenger

This would look great painted (a bitch to sand, but worth it) says solid wood - only $50
Get this mirror on the cheap ($25, but offer $20), and affix it to your current mirror...just like Jenny did. (Here's where she explains how...)
Have I mentioned yet that these would be great as night tables? 29.5" high ...leather in-lay...paint the rest white (sanding it would be sucky, but worth it).

Great coffee table, $95 not bad!
I bet Kelly W. could make this chunky chaise and ottoman work!  I kinda like it...but wouldn't go in this house! $175


I just have to add these two little stools(16"x16) for $15...come on! They are perfect for a little boy's room captain america stools! I just bought 2 stools, else I would get them....hmmm maybe I will still inquire!


  1. You are so good at this!!

    If you see a good bedside table, let me know! :-)

  2. Hi Shannon,
    Your husband and mine are colleagues/friends and yours gave mine your blog. It's good! I too like to scavenge but have no time. Maybe you should look for me.....I like the mirror idea!

  3. This is a great blog! I love your scavenging talent and love that its local! So inspiring!

  4. Thanks guys!! I just poke around C.L. whenever I can steal 5 mins...I am always looking for stuff and I wish I could buy more! ... Hi K! No worries...I will get my email address to you! I hear about your husband ALL THE TIME! (Ok, maybe I shouldn't capitalize that, it sounds creepy...more like 'once and a while') I heard you are prohibited from going to Antiques auctions?

    p.s. the mirror was just one of Jenny's many amazing/inspired/gorgeous projects...

  5. Shannon,
    If you inquire about the stools, and they're still available, I'll buy! G says L should pick them up and store them for us until he can get them from L! G They'd be perfect in my son's room. And yes, have L pass along your email....great summer antique shopping around here and some have playgrounds and ice cream (hint, hint: L and G and kids.....) Just kidding about the stools......I do like them but don't expect you to store and pick up!

  6. This is a great blog! I love your scavenging talent and love that its local! So inspiring!
