
Friday, July 9, 2010

Basement Underpin: Week 20 Wrap Up

We still aren't finished folks...crawling along...
This week the tiles were installed in the bathroom (and the lights)
I decided to go with dark grout on the floors, and a medium grey grout on the walls.  We did a tiled baseboard around the cubby, and wainscoting everywhere else...a chrome strip caps off all the exposed edges...the floor tile is looking a little brown, but I think that's the leftover grout that needs to be washed sure is a dirty birdie, but gorgeous!
This week they also cut the hole for the bar sink (but not for the faucet?)...
The glass guys are supposed to be here tomorrow to install the glass shower wall...then the bathroom fixtures and vanity will be installed on Monday. 

Here is the ikea odensvik sink on top of the painted godmorgon vanity.  (I don't think I have the drawers sitting on the track properly.)
Part of me wants to repaint the vanity and completely change the colour...another part of me likes it...and another part of me is lazy.  I know I originally wanted a colour that closely matched the floors, but the dang floors wont decide what colour they want to be (light grey, dark grey, brown, depending on their mood)...I will live with the current vanity colour for a while and see...on its own its a lovely shade of grey.  The way I see it, both the floor tile and the vanity are very I am willing to put them in the same room and see if they will get along!  (Yes, I did dump the vanity drawers into the bathroom and stared at them next to the floor, I then went away and peeped in on them every once and a while, but I just can't get a good sense until the bathroom is cleaned up, and everything is put in place. Weird eh? You would think it would scream CLASH to me if that was the case...)

On paper, it seems like there is one more week to go...


  1. Looking great & I have to ask... are the pot lights in the shower area??

  2. yup, 2 pot lights in shower are scaring me, is that a problem? They have this glass over them...I just assumed they are waterproof...

    We have 7 potlights in all downstairs...3 in stairwell, 2 in bar area and 2 in shower

  3. The pot lights in the shower are on a separate they only need to be on when you take a shower.

    I used recessed lighting sparingly...

  4. hahaha no, not a problem. I was asking because our basement bathroom has a pot light in the "shower area". We have a rainfall shower head, and the pot light is over a bench that we installed. It actually just made me happy to see someone else do this. : ) That's all! haha

  5. The pot lights in the shower are on a separate they only need to be on when you take a shower.

    I used recessed lighting sparingly...
