
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Basement Underpin: Week 22 - 99.9% complete

Almost there!  Four things left for the contractor to do:
  1. grout the new marble transition at the top of the stairs (we had to replace it to make the new stairs and foyer floor seamless)
  2. caulk the new stainless steel back splash (no shelf until I can find a reclaimed piece of timber, I haven't even started to look for one)
  3. install door hardware for utility room (we ordered pulls from summerhill and they were supposed to come in July 9th...we wait)
  4. paint the stairwell and touch up any dings

Since we are 99.99999% complete, I think its time for before and afters...Lets keep in mind that this set of 'afters', will become tomorrows 'befores' as we finish decorating and make it home.





Open family room:

Laundry room/Storage1:

Sorry the photos don't all line up snazzy like...

1. My laundry room 'after' is almost as bad as my before...we are going to install cabinetry this fall and make it a beautiful oasis (well, ok, it wont be a "a small fertile or green area in a desert region, usually having a spring or well" but hopefully it will be "something serving as a refuge, relief, or pleasant change from what is usual, annoying, difficult, etc.".  We will install built-ins, the next best thing to paradise when you need storage...In the meantime, we are getting more matchy matchy Rubbermaid bins


  1. Yeah!! looks for the fun part...don't run out of steam...although...usually you run out of money! I love your bathroom!

  2. That is a serious improvement. God, what a massive amount of work! I LOVE your screen, by the way. Awesome idea. Congratulations on being almost done!

  3. Looks incredible! I love it (as I do the rest of the rooms in your home that you have shared!). Congrats on being almost there, I've loved following along with the progress!

  4. It doesn't even feel like the same house!!!

    ...It was pretty scary downstairs before, that's part of the reason why it was such a mess...we would toss things anywhere and bolt.

  5. It doesn't even feel like the same house!!!

    ...It was pretty scary downstairs before, that's part of the reason why it was such a mess...we would toss things anywhere and bolt.

  6. That is a serious improvement. God, what a massive amount of work! I LOVE your screen, by the way. Awesome idea. Congratulations on being almost done!

  7. my husband and me spent last night looking over your basement shots as we've just started on our much smaller scale reno and it really helps reading posts like this to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
