
Friday, July 30, 2010

Switching around the stuff in the kitchen cupboards

I did a minor re-org during first nap this pots-pans-mixing bowls-colanders-cutting boards cupboard was always a complete disaster.  The problem was with its shape - narrow and deep.  Not to mention I couldn't fit the jumbo frying pan in I did a switcheroo....

Pot cupboard --> Toaster cupboard (before & after)

Toaster Cupboard --> Pot Cupboard (before & after):

This is the best thing in the entire world...seriously!  Now the food processor can be stored assembled (completely standing up...brilliant!).  Not to mention I can pull out a bowl without everything coming crashing down - a bonus!!!!!!!!

I just wonder how long it will take before I stop looking for the toaster in its old place?


  1. Oh man... if you think your before was a disaster, I hope you never see the inside of our kitchen cupboards. We're working on trying to make better use of space, but whoever reno'd that kitchen (at some point in the past) wasn't very good with space planning.
    I must say, the afters of your cupboards are pretty awesome! I hope ours can look that neat one day! :)

  2. Get out Kerry! I don't believe you...

    The trays and cutting boards on the right side of the cupboard in the top pic always fell over - every single time you pulled something out...I bought a wall bracket to install, in order to hold them in place, but instead I got to the root of the evil!

    We have some overflow kitchen stuff in our cloak closet, the things we hardly use, and the bulky BBQ stuff. I have to decide if they should stay there, or find a home in the basement...because I would really like the space in the cloak closet for other things related to coats.

    Oh and I have two other cupboards with bowls and pyrex baking dishes...the bowls you see are just the larger ones.

  3. You should consider installing pull out drawers in there - made our lives SO much neater/easier!! Then you wouldn't have to bend down and dig through all the stuff!

    Looks great - I never get 'motivated to organize'. My poor hubby wishes I did though!
