
Friday, October 1, 2010

Getting that musty smell out...

After leaving the armoire outside for two months, hoping that the problem would solve itself (it didn't), I decided to take action!

I think all those dark patches are mildew or something.  I don't really know what I am dealing with...but google tells me that's what the problem is. 

Therefore I bleached it - twice (once with bucket and sponge, once with a spritzer and sponge)! and its was/is still smelly...thats when I decided to sand the insides (with the grain of course).   Ick....sanding is HARD DUSTY WORK because I can't get the power sander in there...not that I mind hard work, but I need to dedicate a block of time to get good and dirty...In the meantime, I spritzed it with bleach solution again this morning...I will try sanding the heck out of it this weekend.  I figure this has to work - eventually.  Worth it?  I dunno....check back....

(Its really too bad I postponed dealing with it, cause the HOT summer sun sure would have helped out...not that I can move the beast on my own) 


  1. If the bleach doesn't work try using Nature's Miracle. It's for removing the smell of pet accidents. I've used it for all sorts of things (in the car, on wood decking, gym bags)and have always had success.

  2. I thought you were just going to paint it! Does this mean you are trying to keep it au naturel?!

  3. Yup! Keeping it wood...I went back and forth and back and forth SOOOOO many times...the way the guest room is right now, white would look amazing...however...what about when that room is taken over by kids (and the guests have to find elsewhere to sleep)...wood finish would wear better with kids I think...

    Besides, like many people suggested on the previous post, I can always paint it later if the wood just doesn't work for me! :)

    I will try that Nature's Miracle stuff this weekend! Bleach isn't cutting it...I just went out to sniff it again - no improvement!

  4. Oh goodness, good luck!!! And I am so happy you found such a great place to stay in Paris. That's a great area too! Yay!

  5. I've had this problem before with vintage furniture. Fill it with newspapers and leave for a few days. The papers will absorb the odors. Good luck!

  6. Oh goodness, good luck!!! And I am so happy you found such a great place to stay in Paris. That's a great area too! Yay!

  7. If the bleach doesn't work try using Nature's Miracle. It's for removing the smell of pet accidents. I've used it for all sorts of things (in the car, on wood decking, gym bags)and have always had success.

  8. I thought you were just going to paint it! Does this mean you are trying to keep it au naturel?!

  9. I thought you were just going to paint it! Does this mean you are trying to keep it au naturel?!
