
Friday, October 8, 2010

New pictures....but where to put them?

I framed my naked chickens!  Its an old high school art project1 that I thought would look great in the nursery...only problem? The nursery doesn't have enough walls...

I just assumed it would look nice in the space next to the bookshelves...but its too crowded...I also tried above the crib...but its too white...I like the dinosaurs up there...(I also painted the frame white on the animal print I picked up at Goodwill and I am trying to find a place for that too)
In the end I leaned them against the wall on the dresser...
...this morning when I woke up I smooshed them together on the dresser, the chickens in the front...
...then I couldn't help but wonder, what about a gallery wall above the bed? (the frames with the leaves in them are super old...the leaves could be replaced)  That's a lot of holes in the wall...

What do you think?  I would normally continue the experiment by cutting out the shapes and taping them up...but, my first instinct is that it will be too high on the wall...and that it's a lot of stuff to put over his head...still, I'm wrong all the time...

1. We were asked to do an illustration of a fairy tale using colored pencils...I picked this story about these silly hens who were grooming themselves for a rooster and they plucked all their feathers out...the funny thing is, I have looked for that story again, and I can't find it - anywhere...I remember reading it in this book of tales...but at this point I feel like I might have made it I got 8/10 on it (remember when everything you did was graded?) and the teacher was probably being generous...(I studied commerce at University)

agh...its just not working...I think the chickens will go into the office and the animals may go to someone else's's the book by the same illustrator  *sigh*


  1. i think it is an adorable picture...and amazing that you have preserved it. i like the idea of the gallery wall...but i also think it looks good on the dresser.

  2. I love that tray you have in picture #1 with the Cockatoos- where is that from, its beautiful! Could we see a larger shot of that??

  3. thank cinnamon!!!! my chickens have been between 2 pieces of bristle board that were stapled together to create a sleeve for...hmmm...33 minus 16 years...crazee right? Definitely moving it to the office...why not?

    Hi Linda...the tray is from Goodwill...its a Bahamas souvenir...hmmm...lets see if I took a photo when I bought it:

    It makes me happy!

  4. thank cinnamon!!!! my chickens have been between 2 pieces of bristle board that were stapled together to create a sleeve for...hmmm...33 minus 16 years...crazee right? Definitely moving it to the office...why not?

    Hi Linda...the tray is from Goodwill...its a Bahamas souvenir...hmmm...lets see if I took a photo when I bought it:

    It makes me happy!

  5. i think it is an adorable picture...and amazing that you have preserved it. i like the idea of the gallery wall...but i also think it looks good on the dresser.
