
Thursday, January 13, 2011

One more try!

Here are some travel photos that I quickly  (and inexperienced-ly) edited in photoshop (to douse them with color1) my opinion, all are contenders for the basement bathroom wall2...I have my favorite...but I really want to know what you think!

Which image(s) do you like the best?

1 As it turns out, I like ALL PHOTOS OVER SATURATED with colour! The more colour the better!!
2 My better half (who took the photos), didn't view the edited versions before I put them up on the blog...he also doesn't like the artificial look of photos saturated with colour as much as I do...


  1. Yeah, Along the Seine. FAVE! I love photos of fleeting moments. I think putting up your own work is an excellent idea. Cheaper. Most of the prints in my house are mine, because frankly, if I don't put them up, who will?!

  2. These are all beautiful Shannon! Way better than the colour block idea. I can't wait to see what you decide to do!

  3. this are great. what type camera do you use?

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  4. The last one does it for me. - Jazz

  5. Its gotta be along the Siene... the picture just moves!

  6. Love #1 - every time you look at it you'll find something new...

  7. The last one does it for me. - Jazz

  8. this are great. what type camera do you use?

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting
