
Saturday, January 15, 2011


My better half wanted his top three pictures for the basement bathroom included in the here we go...a little healthy competition never hurt anyone! 

Over 60 people voted already!! What a great turnout!!! Thanks in advance for voting again!

May the best photo win!!! (This time you can only vote for your top fav)

ps...this is all in good fun! but we both like to win!
pss...he took all the photos, so in the end, he wins! 


  1. Sorry ... I agree with him. I LOVE the stairs ... the colours tie in so beautifully with the bathroom ... .and it is so architectural.

  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what's happening? First 8 votes and I am the only one who thinks we need a shout of colour? :)

    its still early...

  3. The stairs look great. They'd even look great in black & white - though I know that's totally against the colour you're looking for! Avignon is still my fave though.

  4. It looks like we have a clear winner! The stairs! It will be blown up, framed and hung in the basement bathroom, unless by some luck another photo gets 10+ votes today...

    The photo of the shoes will be used in the upstairs hallway... I love this one too!

    Avignon, Along the Seine and Paris Bistro are still my I will see how I can incorporate them ....maybe the bar area? Or the stairwell? Under the stairs? Or leaning against the wall on the floor until we get bookshelves up (which may take forever)

    Thank you for voting!!! If you haven't voted yet...there is still time! We wont send the photos off for printing for a couple days, to be sure!

  5. It is a tough one! They're all so wonderful. My fave is still the Sieine. Perhaps a cluster of photos for your bathroom?

  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what's happening? First 8 votes and I am the only one who thinks we need a shout of colour? :)

    its still early...

  7. Sorry ... I agree with him. I LOVE the stairs ... the colours tie in so beautifully with the bathroom ... .and it is so architectural.
