
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Using a bracket in my cupbards to hold the cutting boards

A small change*...but it makes me VERY happy...I suppose cabinet makers offer something like this, only much prettier, no?

 How many little jobs do you have on the list**? Can you get one of them done today?

*we had this bracket in the garage for over a year...we bought it specifically for this purpose, but it took me until yesterday to install it...
**we put this job off for so long that it wasn't even on my list anymore...I am going to add it, just so that I can cross it off!


  1. I have so many little things on my list it's embarassing. I made a list in November and got some things crossed off but sadly, my January list closely resembles the November one. I did start having panic attacks in December when I realized we didn't have any functioning smoke detectors. Those got fixed lickety-split!
    One thing I really want to do is get rid of the surplus of empty cardboard boxes in the basement. It will seem much larger once that is done...
    All in good time, I say. All in good time.

    p.s. - we have a skinny cupboard in our kitchen that is perfect for cookie sheets and the like. It makes a huge difference. (aren't I chatty today?)

  2. Oh I'm glad there is someone else out there that does that. Somehow it has more importance if you can cross it off a to do list. I organized my linen closet last night ... I must add it to my list and cross off.

  3. I have many things on my list. I just did the same thing to my "baking" cupboard. I used the pot lid rack from Ikea to stack the trays but the bracket looks more functional. May need to revise. Thanks!
