
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Alice in Designland

Please come visit us here today!

ps.Sorry about the crooked photos...I have a REAL hard time holding the camera steady
pss. I take a photography class in a couple weeks!!! yeah!!! Hopefully they will help me work out some kinks!! 


  1. I love how large and filled with light your entrance hallway is. Mine is tiny and dark dark dark :(

    I love how you kept the Ikea plant in its original clay pot. They add such a great organic element. No one around my house gets that!

  2. we actually bought that clay pot specifically for another plant that used to sit on the was a gorgeous topiary, but the plant was always half dried out (and dropped leaves every where) needed more maintenance than I seemed to be able to provide!!

    I love clay pots!!! they are seriously under rated...especially when they take on a weathered look!

  3. Wow - it looks amazing! I have questions/comments!

    1. Love the photo/art by your front door! Artist?

    2. I LOVE the photo in your dining room of that gorgeous woman. Artist? (It reminds me of a photo that Ewanika had in ther window when they had their store on College Street.Random, I know...)

    3. I love how you've scattered your milk glass everywhere. Looks lovely!

    4. Are those tea figurines on your office shelf? My grandmother used to collect those and send them to me. I must have 40 or 50 of them.

  4. Hi JND!

    1. Tammy Ratcliff print from Open Studio

    2. Olexander Wlasenko, he was kind enough to re-create Claudia in a larger size! We love his work!

    3. thanks! I think I am done buying milk glass for a while! Else it will take over!

    4. Yes indeed!! Red rose tea figurines! Sitting on the window ledge.

  5. I should add that Maya Carvalho, interior designer, introduced us to the work of both artists...

  6. oh it was maya who suggested a "clay pot" and "blue ceramic" for the foyer console...i found those small ginger jars at a church rummage sale...

  7. OMG they're drawings!(Olexander) Amazing! Do I dare ask how many $$?

    I love the Tammy Ratcliffs too - So beautiful!


  8. Good for you! You're good at setting up your home and deserve all the credit you get!

  9. Photography course sounds like fun! A tripod would solve all your shaky camera problems! My husband yells at me when I don't use one.

  10. Lovely space! That chair is gorgeous! Have a wonderful day, Kellie xx

  11. Shannon, your home is so beautiful and light and airy and perfect and lived-in and...when can I come visit? I love your kitchen. Mine totally sucks, that's why I never show it. And I'm drooling over your Moooi light. That's all. Fantastic home tour!

  12. Wow - it looks amazing! I have questions/comments!

    1. Love the photo/art by your front door! Artist?

    2. I LOVE the photo in your dining room of that gorgeous woman. Artist? (It reminds me of a photo that Ewanika had in ther window when they had their store on College Street.Random, I know...)

    3. I love how you've scattered your milk glass everywhere. Looks lovely!

    4. Are those tea figurines on your office shelf? My grandmother used to collect those and send them to me. I must have 40 or 50 of them.
