
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Trying something new

I was never a fan of reading the newspaper (I used to read the business news for my job, but that was the extent of it. Even then I skimmed when it wasn't directly related to the industry we covered)...its odd, because I love reading just about everything...but I resisted the paper...I think my mind had created a negative "character type" know, the responsible grown up who read the paper, knew how to use punctuation properly, spoke eloquently about current events and bored the pants off everyone...

Then one day I found myself flipping through the news...and I am hooked...have I morphed into that dreaded character type?  Not really...I mean, I have no idea how to use a semi colon properly (or even a period, oh and I definitely overuse exclamation marks1)...but I am going to bore you with my latest discovery!

Yesterday,  I came across this article:

"The dirt on getting beautiful hair" 

John Frieda Luxurious Volume Dry Shampoo...from Shoppers DrugMart
The article suggests washing your hair only once a week (starting with a wash every other day) and using dry shampoo in the meantime.  I'm going to try it!  So far so greasies...(I have very fine hair that I have washed everyday of my life - even twice a day sometimes - in order to keep the oil under control).  I hope this product will come in handy for those days I need to get out for groceries (or talk to a landscaper, yah those guys see me looking pretty), but I don't have time to get into the bath until my son's nap time...this is much simpler than washing my hair in the kitchen sink!!  I will let you know if I can actually make it a full week!

ps. I am reading Narnia for the first time...reading some passages out loud to my two year old. He is surprisingly attentive despite the lack of pictures.
pss. probably the subject of another blog post, but...I set a personal goal to read 50 books over the next 12 months.  I want to read 100, except with a newborn about to come onto the scene, I though it was prudent to scale my target back. If I am going to make it, I have to get through at least 30 before my due date.  I'm counting Narnia as seven (it's technically seven books bound into one hard cover edition) 

1. in fact I bet none of you readers are school teachers because my punctuation would have sent you packing!!!

UPDATE: FAIL!!!  I need a daily wash...I got crazy without it...could be ok once my hair is long enough to rock a pony tail...definitely wrong with bangs!


  1. Great find! A similar product I've been using is Klorane's Oil-Supressing Dry Shampoo in between shampoos and when I have to drive long distance to see clients. It works wonders and adds volume to my hair.

  2. I wash my hair once every 5-6 days. I grew up being told that its bad to wash your hair every day and I never got into washing my hair every day once we moved to North America, laziness and all that. I'm doing the same thing with my kid, once a week only. It's really liberating not having to style your hair every single day! :) Congrats on the upcoming addition :)

  3. Can't wait to hear if the hair experiment works! I too am a once-to-twice-a-day washer so I'm really quite invested in the results :) And I LOVE your book target: any particular impetus behind setting your goal, or "just 'cause"? I'm assuming you'll share the books on your reading list, and maybe incorporate some reviews into the blog .... ? Just saying :)

  4. I wash my hair once every 5-6 days. I grew up being told that its bad to wash your hair every day and I never got into washing my hair every day once we moved to North America, laziness and all that. I'm doing the same thing with my kid, once a week only. It's really liberating not having to style your hair every single day! :) Congrats on the upcoming addition :)
