
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Blueberry Muffins!

I haven't tasted them yet...but I think this recipe is a winner!  Besides, Neil Young kept me company while I was baking so I am positive these are going to be deeeelicious!! (Neil Young = Delicious I guess?)

Ummm...who BAKES in this crazy weather?   Well, I have a sitter for two hours and I wanted to relax. (Baking = Relaxing!!!!)

Update: Thanks Neil....these are Delicious! (Not too sweet...a perfect snack!)


  1. They look amazing. Picture perfect.

  2. Love the muffin on a heart plate ... so quaint. Your shutterbug skills are amazing, Shannon: so good they deserve a "Z" at the end. Yup, you've got skillz. Love it.

  3. I now know how to turn 4 different dials/knobs/settings/thingamajigs on the camera ... and I kinda know what each of the four is supposed to my photos are starting to work for me...but its a steep learning curve for me...most of the time I think I get lucky!

  4. I made these last night and they turned out perfect! I changed 1 cup of flour to whole wheat flour. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I like Blueberry, and I have eaten blueberry muffins, it is delicious
