
Monday, July 4, 2011

For Sale!

We are letting go of the queen bed (frame and mattress) from our guest bedroom.  Its originally from UpCountry, and has served us well.   Its dark ebony or black stained wood, with brown upholstery.  I am sad to see it go, but we need to make room for my toddler's big boy room.

It has a little chip off the corner...

I love buying stuff from Craigslist, I really really do!  But I hate selling it!  Too many crazies...stranger danger, you know? ...So if you're interested, and you're not a crazy*...let me know if we can make an arrangement.

*I know, I know, who am I to judge!?  I bet people were afraid to let me in the front door at some point too...not that I am scary....but we are conditioned to be wary of who we invite into our homes...sometimes paranoia is a good thing, sometimes it gets in the way of a speedy transaction!


  1. I love Craigslist, but I agree with you...sometimes the weird, crazy people get to be a little much! Good luck though, the bed is beautiful!

  2. Good luck!

    And I agree - nervewracking inviting some stranger into your home.

    P.S. Gorgeous bedroom! Sad to see it disassembled.

  3. I was to lazy to sell my bed so my son got it in his 'big boy room'....they got to learn how to sleep on a big bed sooner or later!

  4. We thought about keeping the bed in there - but it takes up all the space!

    I hope to store about 40percent of his toys and all his books in there too! Can you say ikea expedit?

  5. My sister also uses queen beds for her kids - they just had these nylon tent type rail thingies put in so they didn't fall out.

  6. Good luck!

    And I agree - nervewracking inviting some stranger into your home.

    P.S. Gorgeous bedroom! Sad to see it disassembled.
