
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Found! My thrifty haul from Niagara

Long narrow home made chevron blanket.  I wanted mom to make me an afghan with this same pattern, but I couldn't commit to colours (and I am pretty sure she has better things to do!).  Anyways, this rug makes me want to buy a cottage!  Because it will be perfect in a cottage, no?

McCoy Pottery

Added two bowls...a second town and country, and the blue amish
I thought, wouldn't these be perfect to make mini cheese cakes in?  I probably think that every time I buy little glasses...
You didn't think I would let these go, did you? Tanya, from Dans le Townhouse influenced pretty, right?

I bought so much stuff while I was away!  I hit all the thrift stores in Niagara, and an estate sale too!


  1. SUCH a great haul of goodies!! Love the melamine . . .

  2. I'm loving all your pyrex mixing bowls. They look fantastic. xx

  3. Fun haul Shannon! Question - Do you actually use your Pyrex bowls or are they just for show? I have one set and I love using them. I was just curious if you actually took them down to use them. You've got quite a great collection!

  4. Hi J!
    I dont use these princess bowls, but we use the regular bowls all.the.time! In fact, I tried to get rid of all my other mixing bowls at the garage sale, since I only use pyrex!

    We use them for cooking, baking, serving, and eating noodle soup (pho)

  5. Fun! Great finds! Love the pyrex and melamine.. :)

  6. Oh Shannon. You always go on the most amazing treasure hunts. Love the vintage dishware. So lovely.

  7. Dharma@WannabeMermaidJune 12, 2012 at 10:09 AM

    Next time you're in Niagara, let me know. I'll link up for a treasure hunt anytime :)

  8. It's so much fun in Niagara! I always find goodies!

  9. Awesome! I love that you're now a Pyrex only family.

  10. Ahhhh Shannon! Am so jealous of the sweet melamine you picked up - especially those colours! I have some stuff I inherited but I want more for my camping trips. Sell me yours! PRETTY PLEASE! It will just clog up your perfectly organized basement (I am evil - is my convincing working yet?)

  11. hmmmmm
    I guess i could sell them.... i had visions of cottage cupboards overflowing ...but we are at a rainy cottage now, and, well, this is a bit too much natire for me!!!!!

  12. Ha ha well I am not going to force you :) I am dying for some big plates - I hate the ones I have. Let me know if you want to sell 'em
