
Sunday, June 17, 2012

New Ikea PS Vago chairs

I wanted these chairs last summer. However, by the time we finished landscaping, the chairs were sold out!  Well, this year there are stacks of PS VAGO chairs at Ikea!

When we got them home, I wasn't so sure. They seemed like bright white monsters. Now I can't stop admiring them!! 

How do I to marry my love of modern and vintage...and not always vintage modern, either?  I buy what I love and put it in place.  It doesn't always work, except since I LOVE IT, I am probably the last person to notice! (I am referring to the row of aged bentwood chairs on the other side of the pea gravel patio, and my love of pretty gramma tablecloths!)

Is it time to arrange a blogger potluck at my place??

ps. we plan on staining the deck grey...


  1. Yay. You know how I feel about them too :) went to Iowa last week and there were none to be found and admire. Boo. Enjoy. I wish I could come over and lounge.

  2. Sorry autocorrect, that's IKEA not Iowa. Why would I go to Iowa for chairs?

  3. Hey Shannon,

    I love the mix of different eras of furniture. That's what makes one's home funky, quirky and unique! It show's your personality and it TOTALLY works! It's funny, my backyard is so similar to yours. Deck off the house (next year we will have a new cedar one), dining and fire pit under a cedar structure designed after Earth Inc's design. We too have different styles and eras of furniture, but that's what makes it ours. When friends come over it's always the same comment, "this is so you". My husband and I take it as a compliment because we want our space to reflect our personalities and not have everything so perfect and matchy, matchy! (We like to be different). I think your backyard tells something about you and your personality. It's
    interesting, fun, very cool and definitely not boring!

  4. The chairs look so nice and add softer lines (curves) to your modern garden. Count me in for the blogger potluck! :-)

  5. Your backyard looks lovely ,the chairs are stunning , it really shows your style .


  6. i like them! they brighten up that space and breaks up the brown/green. would you put them away before rain and whatnot though? i feel like they could get dirty real quick. or coated with dried up dirt anyway.

  7. Nataliya @ styleINGwCHildrenJune 18, 2012 at 5:01 AM

    I wanted to get these in pink at the beginning of the summer. But wasn't sure if I would love them at home and for how long. Plus we're ignoring the outside right now...

    Yours look SO GOOD, I might reconsider them when we're doing the outside next year.

  8. Nataliya @ styleINGwCHildrenJune 18, 2012 at 5:01 AM

    PS... umm potluck :)

  9. Maybe we could do a book swap too! :)

  10. I love the look of them in your yard. The contrast of the white against the green is really nice. I think you can have a mix of both styles (at least that's what I tell myself since I have lots of old stuff and some new. It's unique!
    Oh and yes to the potluck. So fun!

  11. Barbara@HausDesignJune 18, 2012 at 5:03 AM

    LOVE that shot with the chair blurred in the background - very cool!

  12. I love these chairs in your space!! Potluck you say? I'm in...could bring some Indian food!

  13. Love the chairs and LOVE the pea gravel, as you know. Looks great. When IKEA does it right, they do it RIGHT.

    Our yard was "done" when we bought the house - deck and hardscaping and landscaping. It's a tiny backyard but they did a good job planning it. We just bought some deck furniture too (had the table and chairs already). Now it just needs to stop raining out west!

  14. The chairs look amazing in your yard. Your fence is so cool as well as the entire layout of your yard! Love your planters as well.

  15. I think if you like it - it matches! ;) I love those chairs too and think they fit perfect around the fire pit!!!

  16. I love the look! It's like an art installation in your backyard, FAB! :)

  17. These work beautifully in your backyard. Stunning!

  18. I think the chairs looks fabulous in your backyard, it has a very geometric look to it..not sure if that's the right word to describe it but either i LOVE it! Great choice! I totally get what you mean when you want to combine both modern and vintage styles...i get stuck sometimes too b/c its 2 complete different styles!

  19. Chairs are awesome! ...and I bet they stack! I'm in for the pot luck!

  20. Hey,

    What are you saying?!? I love the chairs against the wooden fence and the tall grey stone plants... i dunno, for some reason it looks like it suppose to be there. I wanted to know if those chairs from ikea are plastic???

  21. Thanks Daiva! I needed to hear that!!! :)

  22. One for potluck!

  23. Thanks Lulu!
    I love these chairs!

  24. I hope they are ok in the rain...since we will be keeping them out - dragging them into the garage all the time is too time consuming (the bentwoods only come out when company is over...even that is a pain!)

  25. GO FOR PINK!
    They are so cheap!

  26. I mean 'good value!'

  27. Two for potluck!

  28. Three for potluck!

  29. Four for potluck!

  30. My fingers are crossed!
    I will gladly send some of this heat over your way!

  31. That fence is ridiculously old! Earth Inc (landscapers) put in new posts and made the fence sturdy again. The fence is gorgeous! Wood ages so well!

  32. Thanks S!!!!

    I need to hear that! Sometimes I forget it is MY yard, not a BLOG display, you know?

  33. Thanks Rosa!!!!

  34. Thanks Amy!!

  35. So different!
    and I over think this stuff sometimes!

  36. They stack!
    Five for Potluck!

  37. I think they are plastic

  38. Omg you finally got those chairs! Yay! I love them.

  39. Sandra @ BigDigRenoJune 24, 2012 at 10:19 AM

    I agree with Rosa: it's like an art installation. Very cool!

    Would love to come to a meet-the-bloggers potluck.

  40. April @ Money Pit LoveJune 26, 2012 at 7:35 PM

    Potluck? I love potluck! I don't know if it will score me an invite but word on the street (well, my street anyway) is that I make a mean cranberry-walnut salad ... you know, just sayin. PLUS, I have many books to swap, if that sweetens the pot any .... :)
