
Friday, July 13, 2012

Cashed in my mother's day gift!

Talking to Georgetta afterwards, about the sunscreen and facial cleanser I am buying

I made it to pure + simple today for a facial. I have been slacking in my skin care regimen lately (as in, for the last year...) but I am determined to get back on track.* 

I have been going to Georgetta at pure + simple for about 8 years. I absolutely LOVE her facials. She can take you out of your head to a place where there are no kids, no bosses, no deadlines....complete peace!

Here's the thing, I used to be intimidated by spas.  Heck, I still am.  I feel inadequate at some of these places....Not at pure + simple (at least, not at the eglinton location, I have never tried the other ones). You don't have to worry about change rooms, you can pop in while running other errands, and they are all very friendly!

Oh, and I should mention, I don't know the first thing about natural ingredients.  I blindly trust them to tell me what I need.  This is the way I do things...I know I can't be an expert in everything, and the products they sell have always done what they say they will do...with less unpronounceable words in the ingredient list.

If you have a chance to go see Georgetta, please let me know what you think! 

*Yes! I am having a mid-thirties crisis! Or at least, I am giving myself a no-more-excuses-make-over:  diet, exercise, skin care and wardrobe.

ps. that's a Disney Cars temporary tattoo on my arm!
pps. The cost is $99 BUT they have monthly sales.  In July, they are offering the Urban Renewal facial for $85.  Don't have time in July? Well, call and buy a gift certificate over the phone, and then use the facial whenever you have a free hour.  I know $85 is still not cheap...I know they will encourage you to buy their products (I love their in-house stuff) this is not for everyone.  However, if you have thought about getting a facial, but a spa day is a bit too much of a time commitment, pure+simple may be right for you! 
ppps. I don't think I've tried their $74 classic European facial, today I went for the Extreme Deep Clean

Do I have to say that this is a completely un-sponsored post? I feel like I have to say that every time I like something on the blog now!!!  


  1. Nataliya @ styleINGwCHildrenJuly 13, 2012 at 4:47 PM

    I'm having a turning-30 crisis :) and would kill for a facial. Too bad it's about a 5 hour drive away. It's good to take care of yourself and give yourself time when little ones are around. I should remember this myself more often.

    THirty IS awesome!

    I am turning 35 in November...unlike 30 (agonizing), 35 sneaks up on you...

  3. seriously!
    one day you are 32 ...then BAM! you are 35!

  4. Seriously...on day u are 32...then BAM! You are 35!

  5. I got a Clarsonic for mom's day because I was complaining about the onset of wrinkles. I guess it's just that age when you have to start doing stuff for your face. Boo. Anyway, it's like getting a mini facial every day and totally awesome. This is not a sponsored comment either :)

  6. Nataliya @ styleINGwCHildrenJuly 13, 2012 at 9:45 PM

    :) I'll keep that in mind!

  7. you looks so fresh! skin looks amazing. I'm right there with you gal..its like as soon as mid 30s hit..BAM....maintenance goes sky high!

  8. Carol@TheDesignPagesJuly 14, 2012 at 5:36 PM

    Well then bam you're 40 and on and on it goes:) Not all bad though. Besides the maintenance involved in aging I'm kind of loving being where I am!

  9. I'm also having a mid-thirties crisis. Remember when 35 seemed so... old. I'm working on some of that stuff too. If I'm going to be old, at least I can still look good: clothes, exercise, hair, skin, makeup, etc. It's important to take care of yourself!
    You look adorable in all your outfits btw.

  10. I remember being told by a 35 year old that I wouldn't always be the youngest one in the know? Like almost a bitch slap....and here I am...*sigh*
