
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Travelling with Kids: Selecting a Destination

We want to take the boys to Europe this fall.  I haven't decided on a destination. 

Maybe you can help us out? We would love a referral!

We've crisscrossed Europe and visited many tourist destinations - but, there are still a lot of things to see and do! I have never been to London, Edinburgh, Dubrovnik, Copenhagen, Berlin, Prague, Granada, Lisbon, Greece...

Everywhere we go we have a great in a way, I am no longer drawn by the city, or its attractions. I know that we will love it! Our number one concern is accommodation. We want a nice place to stay. Tell us about a nice vacation rental, and we will plan our trip around it!  For example, if we knew of a beautiful executive rental in Lyon*, then Lyon it would be!

Where are you going on your next European vacation?  What sites do you use to find a rental property?  Have you ever stayed somewhere completely amazing?     

*a friend of a friend has a place there, but it is being rented

ps. we spent a lot of time in the apartment when we were in Paris for two weeks.  Our son went to bed early, and didn't always nap in his stroller.  Nap time became an opportunity for my husband and I to split up...One of us stayed home with my son, while the other wandered around shopping, took a photography class etc...My son also needed time to play, inside, with his trucks...sure we brought a couple toys everywhere we went, but he was happier when he had a bit of down time.  He was 18 months. This time we will travel with a 3.5 year old and 11 month baby. 


  1. Croatia for suuuure. The kids would love the ferry rides and the beaches; the adults will love the fresh seafood, damatian ham, and local beers. Lots of great apartments to rent in the main town squares or on the water. Check out ....we rented a number of aparments through them and they were mostly great.

  2. I might be biased, but I think you'd enjoy Switzerland. It's clean, the public transportation is great and your rental will almost guaranteed be of high standard. The other benefit is that the country has mountains. lakes, cities and can be crossed West to East in 4 hours by car and 4 hours North to South. It's expensive on the Canadian Dollar, but I don't think any more than Western Europe and definitely cheaper than LDN. If you do decide to go I could connect you with a few people if you want some local input.

    Copenhagen is also great with kids, super friendly and the perfect size and Berlin is happening right now and is cheaper. I would not recommend Greece right now unless you head to an island to relax and I loved Edinburgh, but my it's cold, rainy and windy! London can be a bit intimidating with the little ones.

    I also love Nice and have you thought about the West coast of France? La Rochelle and Mont St.Michelle etc.?

  3. Keira @ The Bennett HouseJuly 17, 2012 at 12:09 PM

    Check out The McKay's are family friends and we have stayed in their house in Javea, Spain a couple of times. Beautiful. We've also staying in their house in Ireland, but it is a bit more removed there and the weather isn't as great.

  4. Visit Norway :)

  5. Copenhagen is a great destination for kids. Legoland, wild animal park, etc. The food is different but not super out of most kids' comfort zones. Many people speak English there, if that is at all a concern. Love that you are adventuring out with the kids! My husband and I are trying to figure out a way to do the same. Starting out with a road trip in a couple of months... we'll see how it goes! (We have a 2-year-old boy and an 8-month-old girl.)

  6. I second all the recommendations but for Berlin - not so pretty to look at. But super hip.

    I am reading these with interest as the man has an extended leave coming up in a few years and we want to travel overseas as well. You have the right attitude - it'll be great no matter where you go!

    My vote for you is Copenhagen so I can live vicariously through you...

  7. I can't recommend a vacation rental but we went on a trip to visit my family in Austria and I fell IN LOVE with the country. It's amazing. and beautiful. and everyone is really nice. The countryside would be an awesome place to hang out with kids.

    And good for you for going for it! I always said we'd still travel with kids... it's a different kind of travel but still doable and still worth it! So excited for you.

  8. Heather @ InteriorGroupieJuly 17, 2012 at 11:00 PM

    Love the condo / apt option! We rented an apartment in Paris when we were there last year and it was lovely. WWe've also rented apartments in the US - usually via VRBO or HomeAway. Air BnB has some but more "rooms" within houses.

  9. Heather @ InteriorGroupieJuly 17, 2012 at 11:01 PM

    Oh I sooooo want to go to Croatia.

  10. my recent trips have been london (but that's b/c I stay with family there). It is pretty expensive...but tonnes to do with kids.

  11. We hear that Croatia is are super great and such a welcoming place. Not that other countries are not...don't get me wrong but a good friend of ours is from there and she loves visiting there during summer time. Hope you guys will have tons of fun :), wish we have time to head out for a vacation. Keep us updated as to where you guys will be heading!

  12. I just got back from a great Air BNB apartment rental in Paris. For me, Paris is an inexhaustible destination - I keep going back and can never spend enough time there.

    I also went to Switzerland on this trip, and found it VERY expensive and a bit dull. (Sorry, Giulia!)
