
Friday, July 27, 2012

Window tips from neighbors

Top left: I love this shady house. Off white and grey.  Her brick is redder than ours
Top middle: What about sandy brown and grey? This house is rocking it! Their brick is more of a solid shade than ours.  More brown than orange
Top right: Same brick, black roof.  Loving the sandy brown and black shutters.  Different roof though, and soffits match the window colour.
Lower left: painting the detail and the soffits out a sandy colour
Lower right: Same brick, off-white trim and windows. 

Advice from the neighbors:
- Be careful with white, some manufacturer's white has blue undertones
- Benjamin Moore can give you a colour recommendation....get them to come out to your home (approximately $100), or even take a photo into one of their stores (free?).
- Everyone is going vinyl...

Advice from Benjamin Moore colour consultant (over the phone):
- Exterior colours will always look lighter because of the sun.  You need go to darker than you think.
- Always go for more contrast than you think, because colours that are close really just look the same outside.

I will be taking photos of our house into a Benjamin Moore store next week and see what they think!

ps...our brick is the exact same shade as the bottom right - a real rusty orange with dark browns mixed in


  1. That is a really nice looking neighborhood! I love the black shutters, makes the house stand out.

  2. here are some 2012 trends for exterior paint in case you're interested (

  3. These are pretty typical 1920's homes in Toronto, no?
    It's all about curb appeal!

  4. Wow, I definitely didn't realize there was so much to think about! Awesome that BM offers that service - I'm really interested to follow along as you figure it all out.

  5. I have one other suggestion for you. When we were looking for colours to paint our historical house, I emailed Michael Penny a photo of our house and asked him what he thought. He does a blog post called 'ask a decorator' every so often and he featured my house and my request for curb appeal advice on one. You could give it a try too, I know he loves historical homes...

    Curb Appeal for Meg

    That's the link to mine.

  6. thought you might find this helpful

  7. wow thanks!
    i am floundering!
    this was a huge help!!

  8. we are currently living in brampton area, exterior design of houses here aren't the best :(
