
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

GENBRUGS (Thrifting in Copenhagen)

Size 38 Jelly shoes that were a bit too pinchy (10 DKK)

We are back from our stay in Copenhagen*! What a great city!! I have so much to share!! Why not start with the Genbrugs!!!

Before we left I found this website which gave the addresses of many (all?) of the vintage stores in Copenhagen.  I plotted the charity shops on my paper map so we could pop in during our adventures.    I only took photos of three of the many many second-hand stores we went to. 

The thrift stores are clean and organized.  There is no smell.  Some of them are small, but most have room after room filled with treasures.  Yes, I bought a couple things!  

*I set up a few posts to run while we were away

ps. If you type Genbrug into google maps, you should be able to get a bunch plotted for husband gave me this tip on the last day of our vacation so I haven't tried it out. 


  1. Can't wait to see what you bought!
    I feel like I've been hearing about Copenhagen a lot lately which makes me want to go even more! (You, my brother flew back yesterday, and I saw something about Lady Gaga being there right now too)

  2. We just got back yesterday too!
    We originally wanted to travel in the fall, and we thought CPH would be too cold...then once we decided to go at the end of August (we decided sometime in August)...and we found a flight and accommodation...we just went for it!

    We passed lady Gagas face on a poster about 1000 times...

  3. Love to see your purchases! Never been to Copenhagen but it looks beautiful!

  4. Oh. My. I realized I had a deep thrifting problem when I caught myself scanning your photos for things to buy. These stores look like too much fun! Can't wait to see what you got. And bravo for just jumping on a plane to Copenhagen! I love it! Did you bring the boys?

  5. looks like you had fun! those shops look great!

  6. Yeah, I think fall would be too chilly.
    Were you on the flight that arrived at 3pm-ish? If you had a big asian flight attendant, that was probably my brother! lol.

  7. sundeep @ designwaliSeptember 6, 2012 at 2:31 PM

    great shots! can't wait to hear all about it!

  8. We were on that flight!!
    I can't recall any of the flight attendants faces now! I did get scolded for getting up and changing the baby in the bathroom while the seat belt sign was on. He poo'd!...what could I do?

  9. Yup! We brought the little ones.
    I think next time we will leave them behind...Of course, traveling with the babes is great, but we could do just as much in 4 days without them, as we did in 9 days with them. You know?

    Baby needs to be weaned, then I need to trust someone enough to actually leave, no more overseas traveling for a while!
