
Thursday, October 4, 2012

the weird kid

When I was in grade school, I was the weird kid. I am still not over it!  Ok, that's probably the wrong choice of words...I am over it...but it's a part of me, inside...molded into the person I am today.

I can't help feeling like my son is destined to be the weird kid too.  Like he will inherit the crown... is dorkiness hereditary?  Let me explain...

Today was photo day at preschool and I completely forgot. Except, even if I didn't forget, we don't have anything fancy to dress him in. Still, I went home then raced back to change his yellow rubber boots and put a gap plaid shirt on him. I also licked my thumb and flattened his eyebrows.  I checked his nose for boogers... The other kids were looking pretty sharp!  Which gave me a pang of regret - does my son fit in? 

There's another reason for this 'weird mom' guilt trip.  I am building him a GIGANTIC Halloween costume. It's huge! He loves it!  But, it's not exactly playground friendly...definitely an oddball choice! And massive!!!! I have tried to talk him into a different costume for the luck - he wants to be a Hot Wheels Highway Hauler. (I can't really blame him since it is wicked!)

No big deal, right? I am dressing him up as a trucker too...pot belly, hat, aviators, mustache...and that same gap plaid shirt!

So maybe he will, or won't be a little different than the long as he becomes the person he is meant to be, despite having a weird mom...

ps. I could have done a simple show & tell. My son really does love this costume, and he has no problem running around the house with it (well, except when he bumps into things)...what was I thinking?
pps. We have to do a lot of detail work on the truck...the big guy can help me paint designs on the trailer...and the wheels need to be glued on... 

UPDATE: The final costume + last year's fire truck costume.  My son decided to wear the fire truck again this year!  We will keep the Hotwheels highway hauler costumer for next year.


  1. I must be "weird", too. I think that's pretty awesome!

  2. A guy I work with has a little boy who is 3 or 4. They went to a yard sale in their neighbourhood one day and little Thomas spied a scooter for sale and fell in love with it. The best part (in my opinion)? It's a pink princess scooter. I have to say kudos to my co-worker. He's a big portuguese guy who I think is kind of embarrassed by the scooter but he didn't try to take it away from his son. I think your son's costume will be fantastic! And think of how happy he'll be! You're a great mom! :)

  3. that's an awesome costume!

  4. That's a great costume! The other kids won't think he's weird, they'll think he's lucky. Chances are the other parents will be hearing all about his costume for days. As for photo day, you'll get photos of him looking like himself, and those are the best kind of photos. The ones of the kids who are super well-dressed always look...well, weird.

  5. Shannon, I know what you are talking about...There are times when I see myself in my son and then I feel so worried but then I tell myself, I turned out fine and he will be fine as long as he feel comfortable in his skin and is able to express himself the way he long as he is healthy, happy and confident, he will do just fine. His choice of costume this year also involves a big moustache! He is going to be Super Mario! I have no idea how he got to know this character.

  6. sundeep @ DesignwaliOctober 4, 2012 at 9:31 PM

    Aww...come on now. YOU are a good mama and he loves you and that's all he will ever remember. you are teaching him to think and create outside of the box - quite literally. The best moments with my kids is when we just all let loose and dance all 'weird' to some loud tunes. I will never be the perfect mom (no matter how hard I try)...but I have learned I will be "their perfect' mom and that's all that matters right?

  7. OK, first off let me say I love that you used wicked AND weird in this post. You know I love weird. Secondly, I think every mom must think this - at least I do to. My husband and I are both pretty shy introverts and it seems that William is definitely cut from the same cloth. (Chris/hubby recently started reading "Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking"). But we turned out "OK" I guess - besides, how boring would it be to have the perfect, jock Homecoming King for a son? It's no good to be jealous of your own kids... :P Weird = Interesting in my books, and that is wicked! Also - AMAZING costume, do you take commissions? Son #2 wants to be a Ferrari...

  8. I don't think being "weird" is weird AT all! I feel the same way, and honestly i think its just us being original and who we are! I think your son's costume sounds AMAZING and you're an awesome mom for coming up with such a great idea.

  9. I think once you are an adult, no one notices weirdness!!! Who wants to be normal anyways?

  10. I was probably channeling your bloggie greatness!!

  11. My son already tells me I am too loud when I sing along to music!!! He has the perfect tone of voice that goes with the eyeroll three years old!! ha!

  12. Oh and being their perfect mom? EXCELLENT Statement!

  13. Yah, your son will be better than fine! That's for sure!!!

  14. Thanks! I hope the teachers don't mind 'babysitting' the costume!!

  15. thanks Mindy!

  16. My son loves pink too!

    I could have made it a tad smaller and more manageable!

  17. Thanks Liza!!!
