
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Place settings

Last night I hastily set the dinner table for guests (Image 1): Plain white plate, tiny bowl, milk glass goblet, and silverware. This morning I played around with a few other combos. I wish I had gone with the combo in Image 4 & 5. I only have 6 of these salad plates and I haven't had the opportunity to use them yet! Boy we are in desperate need (not really!) of salad sized plates (that are not pink)...and new place-mats. I want sets of 12 of everything...or two sets of 6 that sort of coordinate, or clash in a pleasing way!

I want I want I want...yes, I hear myself! 

ps. Why don't I just use our everyday dishes? Sometimes I do! and sometimes I like to be fancy pants!!!  Plus...the blue rice bowls are part of our everyday dishes!
pps. I didn't think I really loved the place-mats...but the photos make me I guess they are keepers!!   
ppps.I only have two each of the yellow bowls and plates, but I thought it made a pretty picture!
pppps. I also want a giant blue plaid tablecloth - that never wrinkles!

1 comment:

  1. I love the salad plates so much. Definitely the Dutch in me coming out.
