
Friday, February 15, 2013

Second-hand Books Giveaway


I dropped into Goodwill today and came home with 11 new books and a Madeline tray!

It's easy to spot books you already own from the jumbled chaos at Goodwill - they practically fly off the shelves and land in your basket! When I saw A Complicated Kindness and Suite Francaise (two books I already own and love), I thought, "Sure you can come home with me, we can do a GIVEAWAY!!!"  (Just like that, too...I shouted GIVEAWAY! in my mind!)

Please leave me a comment if you love books and you would like to win these two!!!

ps. Books are 50% off at Goodwill on Tuesdays now...they got rid of 'Friday Fever' (everything used to be 50% off Friday).


  1. I've always been surrounded by books because my mom was a librarian. But I'm in kind of a reading rut, haven't picked up anything new in awhile so this would be great!

  2. I would live to win them! I love getting books at thrift stores, it's my favorite section.

  3. You are too funny that you're buying books at Goodwill to giveaway.
    I'd say that's your bit of Goodwill!
    I've read both of these so count me out of the giveaway but I think this is great!

  4. If you take away books from my life, I will loose my daily escape boat to stay sane in my real life. I love my life, don't get me wrong but...I need that mental break to pretend to live another life, happy, sad, adventurous, boring, surreal...I haven't yet read these two. Would love to win them before going south on Sunday!!!

  5. Pick me! Former English teacher, lover of books, devourer of stories.

  6. Hi Shannon!

    Reading is definitely my favorite hobby. I haven't read the two books you are giving away - so I’m really looking forward to reading them now.

    Thank for doing the giveaway!


  7. Love your posts on thrifty finds. Reading is the only thing that keeps me sane (Mama of 4 boys) & I love your ideas of reading!! If I don't win, I'll visit my library (for 10th time this week!) My life is so exciting!! :)))
