
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Call me a bibliophile


Please! Call me that! and call me a bookworm too! I want so badly for it to be true...

My husband and I ran out to a Church Book Sale today and came home with several stacks of books for $37

I can't wait to load them into my shelves. I love being surrounded by books! I love books as things, and I love reading! You may be thinking:

Q. When do you get time to read?
A. Every night after the kids are in bed I read. When my eyes start to droop I force myself to read another chapter...I try to consume as many pages as possible in a day.

Q. Why do you read so much?
A. I want to be bookish. I want to hold my own in a conversation about whatever genre. I want to be remembered as an avid reader. I want to beat my previous annual book quota. I want to beat YOUR previous annual book quota (I am so competitive). I want to read through several long lists of fiction novels...then I want to read biographies, history, opinions, the ancient classics and so much more.  I want to have complex thoughts. I want to be entertained. I want to catch and understand book references. I want to be able to identify an author's influences. I want to be a better writer.

Q. What about using a library?
A. I get a little obsessed with collecting things. My pyrex & milk glass obsessions are waning (mostly due to space). I am on to books. I want to read everything I buy! I love having my next book and my next book lined up, so I can start a fresh story the same evening I cry my eyes out over an ending. I am also interested in finding a first edition whatever while second-hand shopping. I would love to buy a book for a dollar and find out it is worth hundreds (although I wouldn't sell it!)

Please tell me, what have you read lately?

Find me on Goodreads.


  1. The last book I read was Gone Girl. I couldn't put it down! (Although, I wasn't a fan of the way it ended.) Have you read it?

  2. I read it! It was one of the few books I didn't enjoy. Try Rebecca, Daphne DuMaurier if you want a bit of suspense. Hitchcock even made it into a movie!!!

  3. I'm working my way through the classics. I like to buy my books vintage and can usually find something I haven't read yet. I'm particularly fond of the 19th century, early 20th century novel. I have to say, the recent decorating trend of buying old books just for display really bummed me out, because old classic hardcovers for sure became harder to come by at goodwill shops.

  4. The last book I read was Headmaster's Wager, Vincent Lam. I REALLY enjoyed it. I highly recommend it. I m reading Independence Day by Richard Ford right now and enjoying this one too. At the same time, I read a book in my mother tongue and the one I am reading right now is a bit boring! Where was the church book sale? do they have it annually? I love buying books, reading them...but the have to be careful about the budget so a sale would be great!

  5. Paris Wife was great - Still Alice will make you feel like you're going crazy (but it's also great...). Right now I'm reading The Impostor Bride. Not bad! I love books too, but I don't buy them anymore. I don't really have anywhere to put them!

  6. I am trying to limit what I bring into the house...but did recently attend a church bazaar and bought a bag of books for $5!! I don't hang onto them but give them away as soon as I finish them. Recently read A Tale for the Time Being and it was quite good. My husband bought me a Kobo for Mothers Day and I am loving it! Especially when it is dark and I am waiting for one of my kids to emerge from the subway at the Kiss and Ride! Currently reading Midwife of Venice....I like it. I am like you and am trying all different genres. I especially like your blog when you talk about books!

  7. I suffer from the same problem except I had to start borrowing from the library. When I purchase the books, it's harder to give them away. It might seem weird, but knowing the library is keeping a running tab on overdue fees, forces me to let them go.
