
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Where the 'stuff' is hiding

The two drawers in the tall boy in the office hold a bunch of miscellaneous things...ribbons, balloons, crayons, kid scissors, glow in the dark stars, rubber twine, beads, tissue paper, twist ties, envelopes, roll of tickets, pompoms, google eyes, stapler, pipe cleaners, pastels, tape, stickers, gift bags, smelly pencils, origami paper, a measuring tape (for impulse online shopping)...this is my hideaway for crafty or seldom used things...

I love organizing these drawers! I have done it so many times that I think I finally have the perfect configuration...I came up here just now to re-organize it...and I was like "nah...this is goood...reeeaal good...I should take a picture!"

I've used empty food containers (the three plastic crates were used to hold mandarins, I bought them at the kitchen table in First Canadian Place, ohhh...I'd least 7 years ago), a wooden box from my grandmother and two old store bought storage boxes also help out!

ps...I am procrastinating because I know the closet in here needs to be stripped and cleaned



  1. that's such a mega storage solution you have there Shannon! you know I love that piece right? lock your door!
