
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Fresh Air

I am freezing right's FREEZING in here... I opened all the windows before I did the school run. I like to change the air every morning. No matter what the season, I open the windows.  Sometimes I over do it. You do this too, right?


  1. Absolutely! Love that fresh morning air : )

  2. my mom used to do it and i didn't like it because you would freeze! but now I do it sometimes so that I feel nostalgic!

  3. I've never heard of this. Is this a Canadian thing? Sounds wonderful. I'm going to try it. I do sage often, which then requires lots of fresh air to diminish the lingering "pot" smell.

  4. I do this all the time. I call it blowing the stink off....Of course I live in California where you can leave your windows open 90% of the time. I especially hate cooking smells so I'm forever doing this after a particularly pungent meal.

  5. I think it's a great idea but I get the comments from the hubby telling me we're burning money away re-heating the house after!

  6. I have never Saged...but I saw it on that HGTV show with Jeff Lewis...remember that show?

  7. Yes! My guy closes the windows as soon as my back is turned...which isn't a bad thing, I guess, since I forget they are open half the time
