
Monday, May 7, 2012

Too much clutter in the living room!

On Saturday, I plopped the second-hand basket onto the pony-hair stool in the living room, and all of a sudden I couldn't handle the amount of stuff in there.

So I took some out...It probably looks unchanged to you, but the couch cushions are gone, bunnies are gone, the books under the window are stacked neatly, books on coffee table straightened, and the box of garage sale cast-offs that was hiding behind the couch is going out into the garage...

This is what we are left with...better*!
I moved the basket into the dining room...

ps. The radio went upstairs into the master bedroom a couple of weeks ago...I STILL wasn't spending time in the living room...the living room & dining rooms are only used when we have guests, sad, but true

*My husband says I tend to over crowd a room in the beginning, but end up with a more minimalist space in the end...I think he is right...he likes to be right! 


  1. I find that I hit an invisible wall of clutter/stuff and it all has be sorted Never know when that is though!

    Looks lovely - I need to get at the kitchen and also the basement media room. I think that the clutter is quietly breeding.

  2. Oh my, that pony hair stool is to die for! I love it.

  3. your baby boy is too cute!

  4. I'm glad I'm not alone... I can't handle too much stuff either - it actually makes me unsettled when there is clutter around me... yes I probably need therapy too:) Your place is beautiful, magazine worthy.

  5. I hope you kept that baby because he's pretty darn cute and totally worth it! :)

  6. I looooooove your living / dining room. They're gorgeous.
    Love the pared back aesthetic and fresh palette. Cheers!

  7. Moving the bunnies (and other things) out was a good idea. I would be holding my breath having your boy so close to them. I love your little cute with a big round head. :-)

  8. Oh, your house is the house of my dreams.

  9. Welcome back! Your little guy is toooo cute!

  10. ramblingrenovatorsMay 7, 2012 at 11:02 PM

    You took the baby out of the room too? He was the cutest thing!

    I like the changes. Lighter.

  11. I love your dining and living rooms. Both are so beautiful. :)

  12. looks great and your little man is so adorable!

  13. SixtyfifthavenueMay 9, 2012 at 3:14 PM

    You have created a gorgeous space! My plan is to declutter and organize but I have to close the laptop first!

  14. love, love your mantal. clean, simple, elegant. love.
