
Tuesday, October 16, 2012



Only two weeks until Halloween! I can't wait!

My son decided that he will wear his fire truck costume to school, and his tractor trailer costume at night (his idea, and problem solved!). We packed little celo bags with peanut free treats for his classmates, and we have a huge bowl of sugar snacks for the trick-or-treaters. (We never get enough trick-or-treaters!! BRING THEM ON!)  When can we carve the pumpkins?! We bought seven...five bigs, and two littles.  The bigs are from Loblaws 2/$5!

I also ripped up an old sheet and made this ghost garland...BOO!  I want to hang it outside between the gingkos in the front yard on the 31st.  It is scrunched up pretty tight at the moment, I think I can let it out enough to stretch between the trees.

I am pumped!       

ps. My 35th birthday is five days after Halloween - that, I am definitely not prepared for!
pps. Oh, and the baby turns one on November 10.  We are not doing much at our house, since his cousin turns three on November 12, and three is old enough to really get excited about birthdays.  My little guy will be happy with family dinner and something shiny.


  1. Giulia@fishlynews.comOctober 16, 2012 at 8:03 PM

    Looking good! We carved one pumpkin this weekend - it probably won't last, but looks good now. I turned 38 yesterday - still feel the same :)

  2. sundeep @ designwaliOctober 16, 2012 at 8:33 PM

    oh wow! we are having a halloween party for my daughter's brithday party....i still have to decorate! your house looks great! 35 isn't too bad. you have loads to be proud of...can't say the same for 36 though. :)

  3. Like the spider web in your doorway!!! Great idea! I think last year we turned our upstairs windows into spooky eyes with black paper and backlit them. Know what I mean??? May try that again. Agree we don't get a lot of trick or treaters but I always buy too much stuff (and then eat it, sigh).

  4. I love how into Halloween you are! Your decorations are fantastic and you seem so organized!

  5. We never get enough trick or treaters either! Your decorations are awesome - LOVE the garland!

  6. Love spooky eyes! I missed it last year - I was as big as a whale so I stayed in and ate candy (I mean, passed out candy)! This year is my turn to take them out!!

    There aren't enough Halloween houses on our street!

  7. 35 is cool...I don't think (too much) about my age (ok sometimes I dwell, sometimes I think I am 22)...every year it comes as a shock when it's time to calculate!!!

  8. Happy Birthday!!!!
    I know what you mean about still feel the same!!

    A pre-Halloween pumpkin? Hmmmm

  9. Halloween is my favorite time of the year...
    Xmas is a bit too commercial and I am starting to pull back a bit from it...actually, Halloween is as commercial as you get, but still a ton of room for good old fashion home grown spookiness!!!

  10. I know! Where are all these trick or treaters??!!

  11. I think a lot of people are doing trunk or treats now, at least here, and apparently there's a subdivision not too far from us where all the kids of my husband's music students (who lives pretty close to us) told me he would come by our house before he goes to "the houses with the good treats" haha.

  12. My house is in *that* neighbourhood here in town, we get over 500 kids easy :) This has made Halloween my favourite night of the year. We go all out....

  13. I was not a big fan of halloween until our older son turned 3 and got interested in costumes and at the same time we moved from our condo to our current house in a neighbourhood full of kids! On halloween night, our street turns into this noisy, crazy and fun place where kids are everywhere. On our first halloween in our neighbourhood I was nicely surprised to see so many enthusiastic/excited/hyper kids. We got kids at our door non-stop from 7 to 9:30! we ran out of candy. Now we are ready! Scary decor is up, boxes and boxes of candy bought! Our son wants to be Super Mario! he is eager to put the moustache on!
