
Monday, October 1, 2012

Sky Planters

I am still in love with these upside-down planters! Sometimes I wonder what else I can hang upside-down from the ceiling! No, I don't mean the kids!

Anyways, I was a little dissappointed that the mint and parsley didn't survive in the sky planters.  The small pots dry out daily, and, when watering, you need to hold a bowl under them (the water runs through).  The largest pot is low maintenance. There is enough soil to hold the water, and a large enough reservoir to keep the plant happy.

I am trying a couple new plants in the small guys (no idea what they are)...eventually I will meet a plant with a strong will to live!    


  1. Sad to hear your mint and parsley didn't survive :( Keep us posted with your new plants :)

  2. These are AWESOME!
    I have never ever owned a plant until last month when i moved to China. Everyone said I should get a couple because they're pretty and help with purifying air (I'm in Beijing and it can get pretty smoggy). I was hesitant, bought a couple, and now my apartment is FILLED with plants. I love them!
