
Monday, November 5, 2012

35 Candles

Today is my birthday! I don't feel 35. I am not sure what 35 is supposed to feel like. Maybe I am doing something wrong? Because 35 feels exactly the same as 30, only with a house, kids, and dry hands.

ps. I ate four bites...three small nibbles and a big chunk...this is the first sweet treat I have had since Oct 11!  


  1. Happy Birthday! I turned 35 in May and I didn't feel any different either. 'They' tell me 36 is a whole new ball game cause it's that much closer to 40 ;). Hope you had a great day!

  2. Happy BIrthday! Yo go girl....Yes, you feel it when you hit 36!

  3. NK_StyleingwithChildrenNovember 5, 2012 at 8:45 PM

    oh, happy happy b-day! :) my birthday is coming up and i don't know what i'm supposed to feel either.

  4. Happy birthday Shannon! 35 is the new 25! Hope you had a fantastic day!

  5. Happy birthday!
    (don't the sweet treats feel even sweeter - and more like treats- now? :)

  6. Happy birthday!! I love your comparison from 30 to 35. PS - those are all big changes. especially the dry hands. ha!

  7. Happy Birthday! I`m glad to hear 35 feels like 30 `cause I`ll be hitting that milestone in about a year and a half. Hope your cupcake was delicious!

  8. happy, happy birthday! I hope you had a great day!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday Shannon!!! Sorry I'm a little late on the draw ;)! That's awesome. Glad you made room for cupcakes on your special day. Best wishes in the year to come. xo, A.

    Ps. Love the photograph above. So pretty.

  10. Happy Happy (belated) birthday Shannon!! 35 is an awesome year - you are "into your 30's" and therefore more relaxed, confident, and fun than ever, but not yet "on your way to 40". Best year ever. :) Have a ball!

  11. Happy belated birthday Shannon!
    I always wonder when you actually feel the age you are. I sometimes still think I'm 14...

  12. Gita @ gingerpiece.comNovember 8, 2012 at 5:43 PM

    Happy belated Shannon! I turned 35 recently too and have to agree with your observations on how it feels (or doesn't feel!). :)

  13. Happy belated birthday Shannon! Yayyy for november babies! Hope you're having the most amazing week :)

  14. Happy birthday dear Internet friend. You are just where you should be and I hope you are enjoying the ride. Xoxo

  15. Happy Birthday! As for feeling ones age....I am still working on that myself. Love what you said about feeling the same only mow with a house, kids, and dry hands.... very funny.

  16. Happy birthday! (I thought 35 would feel different too but so far nada.)

  17. happy belated birthday mama!

  18. Emma at The Marion House BookNovember 8, 2012 at 6:37 PM

    Happy Birthday Shannon!

  19. Happy Birthday Shannon,all the best for you and your family

  20. Happy belated birthday! What a great shot of that cupcake. FYI, I am a "little" older than you (ahem..) and I felt about 28 years old forever, until I got close to 40. The my brain caught up real fast!
