
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Kitchen window shelf - DIY

Here is the pine shelf I installed in my south facing kitchen window!

I bought a piece of pine from Home Depot in the summer. Finally cut it to size in September*. Primed, painted and added brackets in October.  Blogging about it now.  Does that timeline sound accurate?  MONTHS, for a piece of white wood and two brackets!

There are better looking brackets out there, and I could caulk the edges (and fill the split seams in the window frame) to improve the look. I suppose.

At first I wanted to fill the shelf with vintage mugs that could be used as planters for fresh herbs, but the mugs felt too cluttered.  I had three white ceramic pots from IKEA under the kitchen sink. BINGO! 

I could only find potted basil at the grocery store. I will see about rosemary and thyme eventually. There's no rush! What's a few more months?   

*Jammed in there, the shelf actually holds up without the brackets.  

ps. Check out that view, eh? 



  1. I did the same thing with my shelves for the guest bath ... 2 pine boards, paint, 4 brackets ... it took me from July to Oct to do, so I think you have the perfect timeline .... hahaha
    PS You never know when we might have an earthquake, so the brackets are a good idea :-)

  2. So jealous that you have a deep window like that! The shelf looks great, probably better with brackets from Ikea. I saw rosemary and thyme plants at Loblaws all the time.

  3. NK_StyleingwithChildrenNovember 8, 2012 at 8:47 PM

    oh, the view. I'm working on blocking mine. At least yours is brick (and not ugly siding :). I would love to have window frames that deep.

  4. Love the shelf! This is definitely on my one-of-these-days list...

  5. Can you pls do a post on how you take such great pictures of windows??? :)

  6. Overcast!
    When the sun is out, your background will be too bright...blown out...
    no other lights are on, so you can see it is a bit shadowy...but a higher exposure compensation helped make the whites look bright. My kitchen is VERY bright though...the patio doors are basically across from this window (they are across from the stove actually), so they were throwing enough light on the plants and things...

    exposure compensation 1 1/3
    ISO 1600

  7. Old house! We insulated the kitchen walls when we gutted the studs instead of plaster and lathe walls -- I never really noticed the window depth before!

  8. Beautiful and elegant looking. visit here
