
Friday, November 30, 2012


I finally did it!  I opened an ETSY site!

I started with 25 items.  I intend to add more once a week (on Fridays).  I will post updates on the blog so you will be in the know!!!

If you are interested in local pick up, please email me! (eightfootsix (at) Most of these things would be a bit pricey to ship!

I feel all fluttery inside! I hope you enjoy!


  1. Giulia@fishlynews.comNovember 30, 2012 at 1:06 PM

    Congratulations! Are you using your great stamp when/if you package?

  2. You did it! Congratulations. I'm so proud of you.

  3. YAY! YAY! LOVE IT! And can you put the orange juice on there so I can pay you and have you ship it, because I'm terribly forgetful at arranging a meetup? xoxox

  4. Ok lady! I will check how much to ship it...I will take it into the post office and get you a real price!!!

  5. Thanks Natalie!

    Boy I sure took my time about it!

    I can't believe how much adrenaline it gave me! Lucky for me I am starting with a personal trainer later today! My first session! I will be a champ!! (and hurting all weekend, to be sure!)

  6. Oh - I bought two of those stamps from Penny Paper Co...the other one is our home address - so I will be stamping all the Xmas card envelopes too! I am sorta happy about that too!

  7. Ooh me likey! I will be checking your Etsy shop on an ongoing basis for scores! I am still waiting to see when you'd list that small blue-white vase you once had it in your foyer. :)

  8. Oh joy. You're re-selling crap you bragged about getting for pennies on your blog and marking up prices by what, 400%? Go you!

  9. Yup, I guess that's what it is!

    I was, and I am sensitive to the pricing. I have told my husband repeatedly that I don't want people to think I am greedy. In the end I decided to price them in line with what I see online - the comparables. So in the end I am a bit greedy.

    Over the last three years, I have given things away free to readers. I have resold things at cost to readers who have emailed me and asked! I even held a street sale to sell things below goodwill prices. Not to mention I put several boxes of things at the curb during the last few weeks. I have a huge goodwill pile that is growing. We tell ourselves we have scored so many times at thrift stores that sometimes it is easier drop our used things off, rather than try to Craigslist or whatever.

    Now, I am trying to let go of items I LOVE (I don't think they are crap), but I don't have a sentimental attachment to. Or an immediate use for. I no longer want to own things just for the sake of having them. You know?

    Ok, I am sure you get why I am unloading things. I marked them up because it seemed to be the market price. I am excited to buy low and sell high. I want to trick myself into thinking this is a legitimate side business. If the prices are too high they won't sell.

    I hope I haven't offended too many people!

    If there is ever anything you are interested in, please email me!
    (I know, I know, sometimes I don't want to give certain things my NYC snow globe!...but try me!)

  10. DUDE! I SOLD that for, like, a buck at the garage sale in the summer!!!!

  11. Do not even give that comment a moment of your attention! Of course you have every right to make a profit on the items you sell! That's the point of business! Don`t let people make you feel bad for trying to be successful! You don`t owe anyone an explanation.... Good luck with your site! I`ll drop by for sure!

  12. ...and you are selling these amazing finds at GREAT prices. People pay for the fact that you found these pieces, not everyone wants to hunt and you did the work for them. In fact, you could go way higher. I LOVE your shop :)

  13. Congrats Shannon! This is an amazing new venture! All the best!

  14. PLUS - you're the one who did the legwork!

  15. That's great! Congrats.

  16. Love it! And please - don't worry about that complainer hiding behind an anonymous name. You are a curator and there is value in that.

  17. love your style, congrats on opening an etsy shop! your prices look fair to me!

  18. Shannon, don't even think twice about this ridiculous comment. The person who is hiding behind an anonymous name obviously doesn't understand the concept of the marketplace.

  19. congrats!! I hope you sell out!

  20. I'm so happy for you! I won a give away you had a long time ago (an enamel plate with an old fashioned car on it, it's hanging in my youngest son's room) and always enjoy you finds! I have a booth at the Stratford Antiques Market so I know the excitment of the hunt for wonderful old treasures. So glad you have your shop opened! I wouldn't worry about your detractors. There is value in your things, and you have taken the time to find them, research and then ship them, it's ok to make a profit. I buy from thrift stores, garage sales and auctions. If you are ever able to, go to auctions, I actually find them one of the cheapest ways to buy. Amazing old things often wayyyy under priced...even cheaper than thrift stores lots of times! Good luck with your new business venture!

  21. what the what?!?!?! oh right, it is christmas and this is just what i wanted!

    thank you shanno claus.


  22. Oooh - congratulations!
    Hmmm - you having a shop might be dangerous to my pocketbook!

  23. Yay! So excited for you! Congrats on taking the leap, off to check out all the goodies.

  24. I haven't tried auctions yet! eventually! I hope!!
    I don't drive, so I have a very limited capacity...I mean, I can only drag so much on the bus!!!

  25. I guess the person who commented as "What?" expects the grocery store to sell food at cost...after buying it, shipping it, displaying it, advertising it and paying store overhead and paying employees? That was an idiotic comment, and I wouldn't let it make me lose one moment's sleep.

  26. Graceful reply to someone who took time to throw some negativity out into the world. Good for you.
