
Thursday, December 13, 2012

That's one way to get more exercise...but I wouldn't recommend it!

Two booties

Two is a great number of booties.

When I got home from the grocery store at noon today, there was only one. The grocery store is about a 15 minute walk downhill, and a 20 minute hustle back up (pushing stroller full of kids and food).

Only one bootie. "Where is the other bootie!!??!" Not in the stroller, not on the floor...not in the blankets...damn...ok, probably just out in front of the house..."You stay here for one second...mommy will be right back" outside, not here...not on the sidewalk...ok... "Put your coat back on please, and your boots, we need to find the other bootie" ... Here we go!  Forget a coat or locking the door... it won't be too far from home. If I jog along, we will find it in no time! Not here? Not there? Keep going...'Have you seen a boot like this?" Sweat is soaking my back. Stupid acrylic fibers.  Why did I buy acrylic? I usually check the labels. Ok, whew, there is it....Wait, dang it, that's a dirty coffee cup.  It couldn't be all the way back at the grocery store, could it? What about that temper tantrum when we were leaving?  Shit...that must have been it!  "Do you have to pee?" "Yes, I know you are hungry, but do you have to pee?" "We are looking for the bootie, watch for the bootie" "Yes, that is the other bootie, we need the missing bootie..." Keep going. I don't see anything in the distance. God I really need to pay more attention. What was I doing? Singing? God. Idiot..."Excuse me, have you seen a bootie like this" 'REALLY? AWESOME THANKS"...Hustle...Hustle...Sweet...there it is! Sweeeeeeet!! Of course it's in front of the store....Oh little one don't scream...don't scream...Screaming..."Can you go get that bootie for mommy?" "Yes, THAT BOOTIE!"  'RIGHT see it? On the steps?" "Awesome, thanks man, high five!!!" We got it.  Let's go home. Why am I so's kinda cold...God that's a huge hill...

I could have taken the bus home...
I could have said "forget it, it's lost"...
I could have gone after lunch and nap...
I could have emptied the groceries out of the bin...

Two booties...


  1. i have done this countless happy to hear i am not alone!! :)

  2. Glad you found it :)

    Been there...

  3. Haha I'm glad you went back - those are cute booties!

  4. Oh man, that's a bummer! Kuddos to you for actually going back.

  5. The life of a mom.....been there, done that. It was definitely worth going back for!

  6. extra cookies for you!! :-)

  7. Sounds familiar! Good job finding it!

  8. I love your blog! You are so funny, please don't ever stop writing! Honestly, reading your posts help me stay sane and realize I am not the only one who feels that way. I can't tell you the number of times I have lots mitts, hats, favourite toys, etc out of the stroller. Anyways, you are awesomeness. Thank you!

  9. HAHAHA I must have done this EXACT thing a million times looking for damn HATS (How could I have missed you throwing your hat out of the stroller??!) Yes this is our we stay in shape as moms! Great post :)

  10. Should say "this is how we stay in shape!" poor brain

  11. That's priceless ... and? I've been there, done that! You are SO not alone.

  12. Hahah oh my goodness Shannon you are too cute! Loved this little story!
