
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Early Christmas Dinner

We are having Christmas dinner with my in-laws tonight!

The table is set, the food is ready (I have a few more dishes to cook), the Christmas songs are playing!

I made an animation of the table setting itself!  Seriously, how great would it be if the table could, in fact, set itself??

ps. I realized after I took 30 something photos that I should have zoomed in.  Oh well! 
pss. I used the wide zoom, so it feels a bit wonky!  
psss. I wanted it to feel like the chairs were dancing...but they are distracting.   
pssss. I will play around with animated gifs again! So fun!


  1. This is SO cool! Did you have your camera up on a tripod?

  2. ok, seriously. That was amazing!

  3. This is super cool. I gotta figure out how it works. Love your table setting.

  4. Where did you find the Christmas place settings? I got the tea pot a few years ago at a thrift store but haven't seen it again since. Does it still exist in stores? And, yes, amazingly fun table setting gif! Merry Christmas! Hope the food and the company was wonderful!

  5. Love! so cozy and festive. That shade of green on the ornaments hanging from the chandelier is gorgeous and lends a hint of vintage, treasure vibe. Loving the animation Shannon!

  6. Thanks!
    Green is my favorite colour! Well, not counting Blue!

  7. The settings are from the Bay, from at least ...hmmm...let's see...almost 10 years ago? Wow...yup...about that

    I bought a few pieces one year, then the next year I noticed them all go 75% off. I didn't have a lot of money at the time, and this was definitely a splurge, but I am so glad I went back and bought plates and cups for eight! Oh and platters and a cake tray...

    I found two bowls at goodwill...I am always hoping I will run across more!

  8. It's so easy! Just time consuming. Take a photo, move something, take another photo, move something...again and again...

    it's just figuring out what you want to take a photo of!

  9. was on a tripod...I should have moved in closer

  10. NK_StyleingwithChildrenDecember 9, 2012 at 9:15 PM

    ok, that's officially the best way to iron a table cloth. who knew, not me! Lovely table setting :) The chairs DO look like they are dancing.

  11. you've got it in my brain that i have to drag the ironing board to the dining room to iron the table cloth.,, that i know, i will be doing this!

  12. I love all the green glassware. Have fun tonight and congratulations on your etsy shop. I'm heading over there now!

  13. NK_StyleingwithChildrenDecember 11, 2012 at 9:28 PM

    just saw your big boy's room on apartment therapy. congrats! :)

  14. Thanks Lady! I totally would have missed this!!
    Duh, right?!

  15. Thanks Emma! I am kind of addicted to green...and milk glass...and...

  16. else do you do it?

    The table cloth is a sheet, btw! It's never been on a bed...but it fits my table!

  17. I really wish it would iron itself though!

  18. I love everything about this post - the dancing chairs (awesome possum!), the green glassware and the ornaments hanging from the chandelier. Hope dinner was as fun as reading this was.

  19. Well, like a whole lot of other people here, I finally figured out the best way to iron a big tablecloth after years of re-wrinkling it on the floor as I iron! Duh! Now if I could figure out how to make an animated gif, that would be 2 good things in 1 day ;)
