
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hungry all the time

Today we made quesadillas and guacamole for lunch. Two hours later and I am still stuffed - in a good way!

The boys approved! Of course, they disassembled them in order to eat all of the component parts (chicken, mozzarella, tomatoes, whole wheat wrap). 


  1. These look delicious! Confession: I don't know how to make guacamole.

  2. I have been reading your blog for quite some time and I love it! I making 52 new recipes this year as a challenge and as a way to bring some excitement to our family dinners. You are always making delicious looking things and I thought you might like to join along.

  3. Hi Amanda!
    Guacamole is the easiest thing to make ever!
    First get a Avocado with black skin...usually the ones at the supermarket need a day or two or three on the counter.

    You need 1 avocado, mushed up
    1-2 tbsp lime juice. Start with one and add more if you like it to zing
    a seeded tomato, diced
    and some cilantro!

    Easy, right?

  4. Thanks Naomi!
    I am always on the lookout for new dinner ideas! Last night I finally perfected my Lion's head meatballs! I have tried 3 different recipes and finally I found one I like!! I am trying another new recipe tonight. I am excited to get into the kitchen!

    I will definitely come visit your blog!

  5. So easy! Thanks!

  6. yum!! Now I am hungry!! Have a great weekend Shannon!
