
Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I have a growing pile of paintings and photos I want to frame.* I am not sure where I will hang any of them! I have a general idea**...but I won't know what will work until I see them in frames.        

If there are any rules of thumb that you have used in the past - please let me know!!

*Art I painted in Kindergarten // My older son's first painting // A small water colour from Designwali  giveaway // A small water colour I bought // An apple I painted sometime in my twenties //A medium water colour from Salvation Army // Two photos (only one shown)
**The items with bold colour will go in the basement, the others will probably go upstairs - maybe....going with white or neutral silvery frames for all of them, except the apple. I think the apple needs a black frame. 

1 comment:

  1. You were kidding when you said you painted that apple right? You should totally be an artist, so talented!
