
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Need a Vacation?

Photos of me in Seville, 16 years old...that's 20 years ago (G*A*S*P*)

Air Transat is offering several flights to Faro, Portugal for $594.61* (all in, from Toronto) - all very last minute. It's a deal - don't dawdle!

Never heard of Faro before - me either!!!

It is at the very bottom of Portugal, on the sea. It's an easy 2 or so hour drive to Seville, Spain. Weather is between 15-20 degrees in March.

If I was looking to book, I'd fly in and after a day or two, spend some time in Seville.  From there, all of Andalusia is available to you!

Bon Voyage!

ps. not a sponsored post...obviously!!! Three weeks ago (maybe longer) I noticed flights to Amsterdam and Paris under $500...I know, I thought I'd pass along any tempting deals, just in case you are an impulsive traveler! 
pps. what's stopping me?  1) Husband is wrapped up in work (good for him!), 2) Still nursing my little one, 3) Need a travel companion! 4) Need babysitter here for my older son!

*Feb 26 - Mar 13 // Feb 26 - Mar 6 // Mar 5 - Mar 13


  1. ooohhhhh the temptation!! Both me and the hubs are swaddled (stragled??) with work right now, but would love a place to go later in the spring. Keep these "deals' coming please :)

  2. i went to spain once with my little was great. I so need a vacation...a beach trip is around the corner - thank god.

  3. charlotte@marshallhousemattersFebruary 19, 2013 at 9:56 PM

    Great tip -Thanks! Weather like today makes me dream of Spain

  4. We did that same trip for our honeymoon - landed in Faro, rented a villa in Albuferia and rented a car and drove town to town from Lagos to Seville all along the coast of Portugal and Spain - FANTASTIC! Sigh...wishing for a trip now!

  5. Just came back from A family trip, but I can easily get on the next flight to Faro now...if I didn't have to show up at work tomorrow, didn't have to nurse the little one, didn't have to worry about the older one getting used to the new nanny....the list is long! but nothing stops me from planning/dreaming about our next getaway...
