
Friday, February 8, 2013

Jumbo Photo

Another wish crossed off the list! What do you think?

The margins on each side bug me. We had the option of printing a photo that was wider, and then cropping off the top or bottom to fit perfectly, but I was stuck on this print...

Now I am not sure if I like it. I am too busy thinking about the millions of other photos I could have printed....and thinking about the millions of sizes we could have gone know, when having too many choices leads to unhappiness*? That's what I am experiencing! Classic.


Cost: Approximately $100 with shipping, taxes, and 20% Valentine's Day discount.

ps. the third photo is like the toilet cam - this is the view!
pps. we are quite happy with the quality of the printing from  We will use them again!  
ppps. not a sponsored post!

*I'm sure I watched a Ted Talk on this at some point... 

UPDATE: Well, it took a while, but it happened!  I LOVE THE PRINT! I want to hug it! It's huge, right...42x56...I am talking huge!



  1. Love it! I love the scale of it - it's tricky to get something that big that doesn't cost a bomb! Looks great!

  2. I really really like the photo. I would have it printed slightly smaller to have the same gap on top and bottom as on each side.

  3. What if you painted that square of wall black - then the "trim" on the sides would look intentional?

  4. waaaaaay too lazy for that!

    ...when I get in the mood to switch this to another spot in the house, I can order something new and fill the space...lesson learned!

  5. I know what you are saying...the margins on the side will always be greater than the top/bottom because it's a rectangle going into a square (more or less)

    I didn't go smaller because I didn't want it to feel like a poster you hang on your dorm room wall, you know?

  6. Love the photo...the colour and style totally works for your bathroom. What if you change the ratio of the photo and blow it up to fit into the square? But I guess that means you need to order another print. Or what if you get some Carrara marble chair rails (or brass ones) and frame the print from outside? The frame will cover more on the top and bottom than the sides.

  7. I don't mind the margins at all. If you wanted to though, you could maybe add a little trim around it to sort of frame it in, and even it out....maybe the sides could be wider than the top and bottom?

  8. I like it as is but could you snug it to the right, so it was tight to the tile line?

    It's a great bathroom.

  9. Love it! What a great idea!

  10. I love it! Especially how the colours and the lines in the photo mimic what's going on in the bathroom. Believe it or not, I've been thinking about this project lately and wondering how it turned out. Thanks for the update:)

  11. I love it! Love the photo when you first showed me and still loving it now that it's printed! you know what maybe fun to do. Not sure how the power source would work, but a back-lid panel on either side will be super cool to frame the piece. It will also work with the streamline, contemporary vibe of the bathroom + that super sleek "bar" right outside the bathroom.

    I LOVE IT!

  12. fantastic idea! Love the carrara marble idea! or maybe with stainless strips ... to tie in with the backsplash at the bar.

  13. I think the print looks fantastic! Maybe you'll get used to the margins over time?

    And the TED talk you mentioned is a favourite of mine - it's called 'The Paradox of Choice', by Barry Schwartz. He also wrote a book about it!

    It didn't take long...I totally had to be happy with what I had, instead of over thinking it!

    Do you want the small copy? Hmm....maybe I should do a giveaway?

  16. Thanks Amelia!
    I am going to visit you right now! It's been too long!!!!

  17. ohhh... this was a lot of two man work with ladder!!! :)

    Thanks Helen!

  18. we might do this...
    it's a great idea!
