
Friday, November 8, 2013

Four chairs

We now have four! A set of four vintage chairs! The last one came all the way from Cambridge, Ontario.

The plan was to paint them white. Now I'm not so sure! You should see the gunk I wash off of these bad boys! Perhaps glossy black is better? Even though the moooi is white? The counters are dark.

What do you think? Black or White?
ps. Thanks again Jennifer for hooking us up with a fourth chair!


  1. Im feeling navy blue. Mostly because I am really into blues right now :)

  2. I say leave them as is.

  3. Sniff. I miss the old chairs. I also vote maybe wood seats/backs with black legs.

  4. Black, like these Danish Farstrup chairs:

  5. N_StyleingwithChildrenNovember 8, 2013 at 12:07 PM

    leave them as is! :) glad I'm not the only one with this suggestion :)

  6. i love them just they way they are!

  7. Grace_senseandsimplicityNovember 9, 2013 at 4:50 PM

    I'm thinking the blue in your rug. I think the white would blend in with your walls and cupboards and a colour would make the shape really stand out.

  8. I never thought about leaving them as is, on purpose...i mean, I will leave them as is, because that's less work than painting...but because of the look? hmmmm...
    the wood isn't clashing?

  9. thanks!! you don't think they are too mid-toned for the chocolate coloured floors?

  10. I would also leave them in the color they are. A bit of contrast give a healthy liveliness to the room. Plus, they fit well with the multi-colored rug and the dark wooden floor.

  11. from the photos they seem ok...maybe because they match the orange stripe in your rug. is the orange painted on or just the color of a stain? hard to tell from the photos. i think they would look great painted white, but i also always love a natural wood...

  12. They look fantastic together! So glad they match!!

  13. My first thought was actually green, like the middle color of your rug!
