
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring is coming...

I just finished painting a bunch of egg carton cherry blossoms. I'm going to make long strings of garland (on twine) to decorate for my little niece's third birthday party!

I told my sister-in-law she has to keep these forever - and I mean it, in a way. I really hope they aren't a-one-time-use-and-into-the-trash-deal...I hope they can be reused for her older daughter, and maybe passed along to friends, maybe? right?

Ahh well, too much?

I loved making these...

ps. How I did it: cut out the cartons into individual pods (or tear them apart, a little easier but more jagged edges to trim); cut four triangles - one in each side; go back and trim the petals into a rounded tip; paint by hand with watered down acrylic paint. 
pps. The plan for garlands: poke holes in the end of each (the circle), tie a knot in the string, thread them on like a bead, tie another knot to secure.

Inspiration: here

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