
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Turn your recycling into this...

We saved up boxes from snacks, cereal, winter boots, toys, diapers, and other household items then turned them into a truck tower (with lots of bridges and tunnels and ramps and tape) 

We put it together a month ago and the boys still play with it all the time. Their favorite part is shooting cars down the wrapping paper tube - CRASH! onto the floor.   

ps. This gave me the idea.


  1. By their garbage shall ye know them.

    #thoroughlyimpressed #hero-mom
    I don't usually talk in hashtags... I don't know what's come over me!

  2. i wasn sure i wanted to post this, because some of those boxes are from no so perfect snacks!!!!

  3. Ha ha! We are huggies boxes people, usually...
    if old navy shipped in boxes, that would be there too!
