
Friday, November 16, 2012

Getting rid of stuff you love

It is time to empty the house of thrifted treasures I've bought, but never used.  I have a lot of trinkets sitting in cupboards collecting dust!     
I am addicted to thrifting but, lately, I haven't found much to buy. I guess that's because I have so much 'stock' at home (but, you know that never stopped me before!) 

I once entertained dreams of becoming a dealer. However, that really isn't realistic*. You need to have a huge inventory of things to sell - takes up space! You have to give up a lot of time to hunt down things - I don't have time (and I don't drive)! AND, finally, you need knowledge!

So, it seems I no longer have a good reason to hoard so much stuff. I am not sure what is the best way to clear out these items?  I am reluctant to list on etsy because I really don't know the age of everything (zero knowledge). Etsy does seem like the best option though. What would you do?

What you see in these photos is the tip of the iceberg.  I am letting it all go!

*Other dreams that died: carpenter, stain glass window person, stylist, professional organizer...pipe dreams, every one!  Sometimes I feel like I need to go back to work to leave my stamp on the world, in more ways than just procreating. It's only my ego, I know...since one more carpenter, stylist, organizer etc... really isn't going to change the world! Anyways, when the kids go to school, where does that leave me? Plenty of time to figure it out! 

ps. I am insecure that I have been permanently saddled with this junk, because I am the only one in the world who would pay for it with real money!  What I mean is, I am worried I have bad taste!!  
pss. Oh wait, I can always re-donate!  


  1. No really, how could you have left that winking teacup, and not brought it home. Even if you give it up now, think of the smile it will bring to the new owner.

    You must have excellent taste ... I see lots of good things ... the pink glass plates, the green metal whatever it is, the blue and white plates, the silver salt and pepper ... can you tell I love to thrift too :-))

    Just think of it as passing along to another home.

  2. If you ever, ever, ever consider letting go of your Pyrex Spring Blossom collection, please, please, please contact me. My mother, who passed away when I was young, collected that pattern when I was a kiddo and I associate way too many great memories with it. I'm slowly building my own collection of Spring Blossom (sadly, my Mom's collection was donated years ago) and would be more than happy to give your pieces a happy home. I'm local too, fyi. :) Thanks, Michelle

  3. You could always see what similar items are going for and price accordingly!

  4. You are definitely not along here! I am embarrassed to say this but re-donating is what I ended up doing with most of the thrifting stuff from Salvation Army or Value Village. I stopped going there for a while because I was so afraid of walking out of it with tons of junks again. People spend a long time working in a lifetime, so don't worry, you will have plenty of time ahead of you once kids are older, that's if you still like to work then. :)

  5. Woman, I've seen your house (online, at least) and you have great taste!

  6. "Other dreams that died..." Ha ha ha you and I are SO similar, I love it! I think etsy would be great, your collection is lovely and believe me people are looking for the good stuff amongst a sea of no-so-good things!

  7. If you ever decide to relinquish that NYC snow globe, drop me a line. I can be by in a jiffy!
    (I totally get this, by the way. I sometimes hyperventilate when I look at/think about how much stuff we have!

  8. You are definitely not the only one, I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to be "when I grow up" haha.

    I think you should totally open up an etsy store! People don't expect you to be an expert, they just want cool stuff and I'm sure there are a ton of people who think you've got cool stuff!

  9. Re: your PS- You absolutely do not have bad taste!

  10. thanks dude...i didn't mean to go fishing...

    I will take it WAY too personally if no one wants to buy this stuff...since I love it! It's just, I can't hold on to things just for the sake of owning them. Let them find a home where people will use them!

  11. Thanks Sharon! This was such a perfect thing to say!

  12. I have much more discipline these days...I still find things, but most of the time I leave empty handed!

    I want to work again (I think), doing something I love, and that I am good at...and, well, I have 3 years to figure it all out!

  13. Hi Michelle!
    I am not putting the bowls on the block just yet! Only the pyrex that is in the basement collecting dust!

  14. Thanks Adriane!

    I sometimes wonder how many other stay-at-home mom's get the itch to be doing something more ...I am satisfied with my decision to be home with the kids - for now, but soon they won't be home with me!!!

  15. Not yet! That snow globe is still hanging out in the basement window well bringing me joy!

    We should have a blogger junk swap...I know there was a garage sale in the summer time...

    wait wait...I don't need to swap...that does nothing to decrease the quantity of items owned!

  16. Ok...
    my husband is going to help with the shipping...
    I think this is a for sure go...I have hmmm and haaaaa'd enough about this!

  17. Thank's K, I was totally fishing!

    Putting my favorite stuff out there makes me feel exposed - even though I blog about it when it comes into the house...

    ok, yah, time to get over myself ;)

  18. Hi Shannon,

    Not sure if you know about a consignment store called The Singing Lady, located in Etobicoke. I have recently sold some pieces of furniture with her & she has a lovely large store full of great stuff. Check out her website, if you take your unwanted items to her I suggest you wear blinkers so you don't end up bringing more stuff home; her shop is very tempting. P.S. You are exactly where you need to be right now in your life, a great Mum to her boys.


  19. I have had a lot of luck selling on Kijiji in the past, but it's getting a little congested there now. Singing Lady is a good option to get it off your hands, but they will take a nice chunk of the profit. If you can send some info (as in, numbers of pieces) and a few more photos of the white milk glass dishes in the first photo, I think I may be interested in buying them! If you are selling...
    If I could change careers and be guaranteed success, I would be a carpenter.

  20. So where did your treasures go? Keep in mind, I love the set of white glass dishes in first photo...!

  21. Actually that would be fun. We've got a ton of stuff set aside to see this spring (didn't get around to it in the fall!) Congrats on the etsy shop!
