
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Do over: Master Bedroom

(good bye decorative vases)
After we added new mirrors in the master bedroom, the room felt too cluttered. I felt it in my bones every time I walked into the space.

Then I started to let things go. The blankets were just dumped on the bed in the morning, clothing piled up on every surface, there were shopping bags on the floor and folded towels stacked sky high on the dresser.

While reading Tim's blog I came upon this post.

I immediately tidied up. Twenty minutes later I pulled out the camera to take these photos.

ps. giving away vases from dresser // no throw pillows on the bed // putting tall light somewhere else // rainbow books moved to office // clutter removed from tray on dresser // kleenex box moved to shelf under nightstand // alarm clock (with the wrong time, and never used) put away // humidifier that I rarely turn on moved to the hallway //moved my 100 day workout calendar to behind the door from beside the nightstand

pps. I am going to remove the pink figurines (from my grandmother, they are on the dresser).  Orange, jute, cream, white, purple, grey, blue, black and pink is not a colour palate. 

ppps. say goodbye to the polar bear pillow too!

pppps. a creamy beige knit cable throw blanket on the bed would really tie the room together...I love my afghan though...maybe the same pattern but creamy white? What do you say mom?  Let me know if you have the time to take on another project!!!!



  1. Is that a rug on your headboard? I actually quite like the bear pillow. The colour works in your bedroom.

  2. Absolutely love this clean look with the white and greys.

  3. Thanks DK!

    It feels lighter! I don't mind going in there. I really let things slide over - what - two weeks? Not even? It went downhill fast!

  4. It's a table cloth...from my Grandmother - from Holland!
    I love the bear too, but I can't handle pillows, except for the ones I rest my head on...besides, I can't ignore the oranges and warm jute and warm wood and warm curtains...the room is a little too hot and cold!

  5. hello from a fellow Torontonian!! (well, does the GTA count??) ;)

    I love what you've done to the room... and you know how to make a mean gallery wall! ;)

    I've nominated you for the liebster award, and you can check it out here:

    I hope you're staying safe & warm this season!!
    take care,
    -Jane @

  6. Thanks Shannon for the shout-out! I love your room too: it is so serene, calm, and relaxing. I love the gallery wall and actually thought the polar bear pillow is very cute on the ghost chair!

    Love that shot of the bedside table (total magazine worthy) and i just can't get over how pretty that shot looks with the chair, dresser, and the gallery wall!

    again, the mirror doors look fantastic!

  7. Sign me up for the vases - I love the silver jug. Your room looks so soothing and restful, you made the right move I think. It's funny how when it already seems crowded you let things go, eh? Kind of like once you haven't been exercising for a while, you figure one more beer won't make a difference... :) (It's all about bringing it down to my level...) Hope you had a great Christmas Shannon, and have a wonderful new year!

  8. I'll take that polar bear pillow off your hands! Love it. :) The room looks great, love the new mirrored doors! Simplicity is a beautiful thing! Happy almost New Year Shannon!!

  9. Love that polar bear pillow....just like the others...hahaha.... I could give her a new home. Your room is lovely and with the tweaks that you want to do wow it will be fabulous(er).

  10. absolutely beautiful. love the very clean, calm, and relaxing space :)



  11. Less clutter is good. when it looks clean, it feels clean, right? Keep that gorgeous jewel tone blanket. And you can send me the bear pillow. It will be proudly displayed on my sofa. Promise :) Happy 2013 darling.

  12. The bed is in perfect location facing the window for proper ventilation.
    Air Temperature Specialists San Diego
