
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New mirrors!

Yesterday, Mt Pleasant Glass & Mirror installed two mirrors on our master bedroom closet doors.

I love them!!! The light bounces around the room...they really open up the changes the entire room...blah blah blah...

More importantly: I can look at myself, from head to toe, whenever I feel like it! If you think I am only going to check myself out in the morning when I get dressed, why, you don't know me at all! 

ps. yes, I am, I can not pass a mirror or reflective surface without looking at myself. I am operating under the impression that this is completely natural!
pps. I did a little jig in front of them last night!  



  1. ooo I love the mirrors!! Did you buy those doors with the intention of putting mirrors on them?.. because they go so well! Mirrors across from windows are the best :)

  2. they look great. I desperately need a full length mirror in my room too!

  3. an architect designed the closet for us... We worked with an architect when we reno'd the first and second floors.... He matched the new doors to the existing 1920's doors...only these closet doors are much larger!

    I had mirrors set into the doors of my apt in an old 1920's when we moved in, I knew I wanted them in here! if they were cheaper, I would have installed them in the nursery closet and office closet too!

    I don't have a lot of wall space, so this is the only place I could put a full length mirror!

    Ps my room feels cluttered now!

  4. an architect designed the closet for us... We worked with an architect when we reno'd the first and second floors.... He matched the new doors to the existing 1920's doors...only these closet doors are much larger!

    I had mirrors set into the doors of my apt in an old 1920's when we moved in, I knew I wanted them in here! if they were cheaper, I would have installed them in the nursery closet and office closet too!

    I don't have a lot of wall space, so this is the only place I could put a full length mirror!

    Ps my room feels cluttered now!

  5. You know what full length mirrors parallel to a bed are great for? Making the bed! You can check the mirror to ensure the sheets are even on either side without having to walk back and forth to adjust!

  6. Wow, it does look so much brighter! And look how cute you are!

  7. Love love!I have mirrored closet doors (they're not as nice as yours) and I really like them - any future home will have to have them

  8. Whoa, that looks so great! I'm envious. I have hideous flat panel sliding doors in my bedroom. Glad Mt. Pleasant Glass worked out for you!

  9. Wow! They do make a big difference! (And I, too, cannot pass a reflective surface without (at least) glancing at myself.)

  10. they look fantastic!! will need to keep this idea in mind for my next bedroom project!
