
Friday, January 4, 2013

"Antiques of the Future" Giveaway

Last year, I bought this plate at goodwill*. Look how cute it is! How could I stop myself? Looking back, I guess I was a bit addicted to buying things. I still love it, and I am certain some of you will too! That's why I thought I could do a giveaway!

This giveaway is open to everybody!  Just leave me a comment and a way to contact you!!!  Maybe you can tell me what your favorite meal of the day is! Mine is definitely breakfast!

ps. Post title borrowed from "Shopaholic & Baby". I just finished reading it.  My first read of 2013!

*I think of it as "rescuing" this plate from Goodwill.  Things get broken, chipped and battered at the thrifts. So I HAD to bring it home to save it.



  1. It is absolutely ADORABLE - no one in their right mind could have passed it by!

  2. PS, unrelated, are you on Goodreads? And have you read Late Nights on Air? Just finished and thought of you!

  3. So cute! I can see why you couldn't just leave it there!

    I too love love breakfast! Even better.. breakfast at dinner time!

  4. I'm not on goodreads -yet! I think I should try it!

    I haven't read late nights on air - yet! I think I should try it! ;)

  5. I always loved the Eric Carle books as a kid and can't wait to read them to my children someday. That plate is adorable!

  6. My favorite meal to go out for is breakfast but my favorite to make and eat is lunch, probably because it means a break from the work day. It seems to be the only meal I can relax during.

  7. Very cute. My girls love the hungry caterpillar. You find the most amazing things.

    We love breakfast too. And goodreads is a must. Thousands of book lists and recommendations. Happy 2013!!!

  8. Love the 'kayter pilla' as my daughter says! Agree with Megan, I'd rather dine out for breakfast than any other meal but enjoy trying new things - even if it doesn't work out - at any meal time.

  9. Aww I love that plate and cute bowl! I like all meals (ha!) but my favourite is breakfast as well!

  10. Oh I LOVE this set!! So cute! I think my favourite meal is dinner, just because its the end of the day and things are starting to slow down :)

  11. This is so cute. My favourite meal is dinner because that's when I can take my time to enjoy the food and have a fun conversation with my husband to round up the day. I don't like preparing for it though. :)

  12. that is so cute...awesome goodwill find! i guess it's a theme here...breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day!

  13. Such a cute plate set! My favourite meal is probably snack time (it's easier than any other meal, and with two wee ones, I make a LOT of snacks).

  14. You have such great finds! Our local good will is kind of a dump and I'm probably not visiting frequent enough either. Same as you I'm definitely a breakfast person :)

  15. Brunch for sure is my fave. My kids would have serious fights over who would get to eat of those dishes. So winning would be a mixed blessing.

  16. Oh I love this plate! My son loves the very hungry caterpillar! Favorite meal of the day is definitely brunch with a mimosa and a creamy cup of coffee.

  17. Oh so fun! My daugther would love me forever if I presented her french toast on that plate!

  18. My 5 year old just took this book off the shelf again today to read. Our favourite meal, despite the chaos, is definitely dinner.

  19. That plate is soo cute! My fave meal is breakfast too, especially if someone else is cooking it!! But that usually doesn't happen!

  20. It my favourite meal, especially when we have the time to do it right (which is sadly only on the weekend), is definitely breakfast. My little guy just got a Hungry Caterpillar mug at Christmas and I'd love to see him enjoy soft boiled eggs and toast soldiers with this adorable set.

  21. Definitely a dinner person - and my 6yo would love this plate!

  22. Our hungry caterpillar book is torn and tattered from so much love:) Our 3 little ones would love this!! Supper is our fave.

  23. Oh, my granddaughter would SO love this!! Torn between breakfast and supper....

  24. I prefer dinner! This plate is too cute!!!

  25. I love Sophie Kinsella's books! They're fun, easy reads and I speed right through them. The library has chick lit for sure :)

  26. Mine is breakfast too! I love that I can either have a sweet or savoury dish. Have something sweet as a main dish would be frowned upon at any other meal!! Would love this dish set - i see a soft boiled egg and toast soldiers :)

  27. My niece would love this!

  28. I am in LOVE with all things Hungry caterpillar.

  29. I love it! Brunch is my favorite! Because you eat a lot of good salted stuff like quiches, eggs in different ways and then good bread with cheese or good marmalade. Good for parties! I have a 3 year old girl who would love this...but I think i would keep it for myself :)

  30. I love lunch! Nothing like midday fuel to keep me going for our bun in the oven, and chasing after our 3 year old!

  31. carinaandmichael(at)gmail(dot)com

  32. I've read this book to my 3 year old since he was born and he can now recite the whole thing (with a tiny it of help) for Christmas he got a Fred face plate and boy has that helped with getting him to finish his meal. He would love this plate too! His favorite meal in breakfast for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  33. yourfaceislikethesunshineJanuary 10, 2013 at 11:16 PM

    Oh my goodness, I love that set! How sweet of you to give it away! :)

    My fave meal is breakfast - I *so* look forward to my first cup of coffee!
