
Sunday, January 6, 2013


We made a quick dash out to Value Village with the boys yesterday. I found a small Cinderella bowl and 1.5 quart casseroles dish with Cinderella handles in the Early American Pattern.  I don't have any dishes in this pattern yet so I was super hopped up!

Did I mention I emptied out over half of my pyrex collection?  They all found good new homes! I made extra space for bowls and fridgies (side note: how come I never see fridgies at the thrifts? Were these not as popular as wedding gifts 50 years ago, or so popular that people hang on to them??).  I also like the small round casserole dishes like in the bottom photo! They are more cute than functional at this point. They look so great stacked.


  1. this one has gold in it. pretty pretty. Happy 2013 Shannon!

  2. I've been looking for a 'fridgie' since I read about/saw yours! They are elusive little dishes!
