
Monday, January 7, 2013


Have you caught this show on TV?  I've watched parts of several episodes. I love it! I ordered all three seasons so I could see them on the big screen in the basement.

My head is full of wanderlust!

There are some things you see people doing, and you know you will never get a chance to do, and it's like, "ok, fine, that's cool...I am happy in my own shoes."  This show is not like that for me. Well, maybe A LITTLE...but mostly it makes me wish I had traveled more before having babies.  

My husband and I both love to travel (God, I yearn to travel, why can't I travel for a living?), but with kids, the logistics have to be planned perfectly...extra prep.  Plus, you want to go into areas that are a least a little kid friendly...and, well...I will never be the star in my own version of departures.  That's ok...I guess.

UPDATE: I was watching the first disc this evening and I could picture myself watching departures again in 30 years, shaking my head at how young I was (am) right now...and whatever I thought was stopping me, was likely all in my head!


  1. I LOVE departures. We used to watch it on OLN all the time. The guys are hilarious. I think the beginning episodes across Canada are some of my fave. have you seen the antarctica episode yet? It's a gooder....

  2. I haven't seen the Canada ones yet!!

  3. Never watched the show but I recently got hooked on Castle. I am even reading books written by the fictional character. Fun!

  4. Oooh I've never heard of this show but good god does it sound like something I would like. Is it all about travel? real travel? swoon.

  5. Your UPDATE said it all!

  6. Oh! I've never heard of this! Now I've got to check it out! I love travel, but with kids I love travel that A) is in the same time zone, and B) has a pool. One day I hope that we will all head to France and ride bikes through small towns, or enjoy their first Guiness in Ireland, but for now, things are kind of tailored to the simple easy fun, and that's okay with me. :)

  7. Loved that show. I think the cameraman got some awards for the cinematography - it is beautifully shot.

  8. My husband produces the show here in Toronto - thanks for supporting the show! I love your blog :)

  9. Get out of town!

    I first saw departures in 2009 when my oldest son was an infant. My husband and I were both fans of the show and we would take turns walking back and forth in the upstairs hallway trying to put the baby to sleep. So we really didn't catch all that much of it. That was when our TV was in the guest room, which is now my older son's room...back before the blog, while we were underpinning the basement.

    The morning I ordered the dvds, I had given the baby the remote control and he flipped the channel to OLN. He is obviously a fan too! I went "OH YAH" then immediately purchased all three seasons!

    Anyways, I love watching real travel, even though I know that it is all over for me...two kids... and I am such a pampered tourist.

    I am trying to figure out our vacation destinations for this year.

    We want to bring the kids to China. (I have never been to Asia). We think a few more short trips (baby flies free) first, and work our way up to the long haul across the world.

    I want to go all over China (my husband was born there, he has been back several times), Japan, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc...

    I also want to see South America!!! ..that will have to wait.

    Realistically, with a 14 month old and a 3.5 year old, we might make it to California, maybe take a road trip to see Fallingwater...perhaps a parent's only long weekend in London, England? hard to say...the research is just as fun as the going, seeing, doing and eating!

  10. Castle is a fun thriller/drama that's very easy to watch. I like that (almost) each episode is about a mysterious homicide case so the audience will have the closure at the end. It works for someone impatient like me. Btw, I am hosting a giveaway for a free pair of designer pillows (value up to $140) on my blog so don't forget to check it out.
