Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Just for ME

Emma the great  (who happened to be in France the same two weeks as us) was here we go! These are the things I picked up just for me...I didn't exactly shop until I dropped...I saw some other things that I came close to buying too...I can only find the cardigan online, so I took photos of the rest (yes the tee shirt is slightly dirty from wear over the weekend, is that Halloween chocolate near the collar?)

sources: Cardigan: American Vintage, Reddish scarf, tee, cashmere fingerless gloves: Allison boutique; Navy Blue coat with bow at collar: Anna Studio, Cotton Coat: Comptoir des Cotonniers (they are in Soho? Not that it helps me), grey scarf: Monoprix; Boots: Jonak; Cowl: Little Marcel



  1. Great picks! Especially love the boots. I wanted some like this but couldn't find them in my size. I might try and find some here. I'll have to show you my purchases soon. I've been so busy since I've been back I'm having a hard time getting my posts up! I still have a few more France ones to do.

  2. Oh I also got a sweater that I forgot to take a picture of...

  3. Great picks! Especially love the boots. I wanted some like this but couldn't find them in my size. I might try and find some here. I'll have to show you my purchases soon. I've been so busy since I've been back I'm having a hard time getting my posts up! I still have a few more France ones to do.
