My parents came by last weekend and Dad installed plywood shelves in the nursery closet. He also put up a second clothing bar underneath the original bar. Hanging the clothes is phase one of the closet upgrade. Phase two will involve matching bins and organized shelves, and maybe some hooks or towel bars on the back of the closet door. Here is a brief tour:
Bottom bar holds blankets and bunting.
Top bar holds 0-3m onesies & sleepers and 3-6m onesies. I washed them all and put them up together because you never actually know what will fit him first. I find Carter's shrink A LOT...the Ralph Lauren are a bit more I need to be able to grab whatever will fit, regardless of what the tag says.
A billion 3-6m sleepers in the bottom drawer. I could have hung these up in the closet, and left the blankets in the drawer....except, that required a billion additional baby hangers vs 10 or so adult size hangers. Not to mention it is much easier to toss sleepers into a drawer when they come through the wash! (I wish I had the drawer space for onesies too! How did I manage to fit everything in here last time?)
One top drawer holds socks, hats and bibs, the other (not pictured) contains diapers and diaper changing supplies.
Most of the swaddles and burp blankets are in the middle drawer. I packed a stack in the hospital bag too!
Yes, we are finally packed! Three bags - the big duffle is full of mommy stuff and snacks, small gym bag is for my toddler (he is off to my inlaws) and the diaper bag has stuff for baby. 
I am pretty much ready. I ordered some bassinet sheets and other supplies from The sheets were on clearance! with a $10 off $40 coupon from Janice too! (We didn't use a bassinet last time, we have one from my brother and I will try it out).
We are going on a Walmart run this weekend and get a few last minute things. A white noise machine (the same one as my toddler's), a PujTub, a laundry hamper, and some diaper genie II refills.
There is one question nagging me - what did you ladies wear home from the hospital? I know I shouldn't be worried about such a trivial thing. Last time we had a planned Cesarean birth because my son was breech. I wore lululemon pants, t-shirt and sneakers in, and the same thing out. This time, I dunno what I need. How loose is necessary? If everything goes to plan, I will be walking out of the hospital about three hours after delivery. Will mat jeans work? Are lululemons fine?
Ok, full disclosure...I packed my husband's navy sweat pants to wear home. Maybe I will find something in the ladies section at Walmart this weekend? I want to be comfy - but I don't want to shop (or spend)!
3 hours after delivery? Really? I was in at Women's College for at least a day. COMFORT. COMFORT. COMFORT. Pack your lulus... and throw on some lipstick if you want to glam it up! New baby time is so exciting!
ReplyDeleteYou have a lot of baby clothes (is that a lot?). Sorry can't help you here as I have never gone down that alley yet, but definitely go with comfort. If I felt as bloated from PMS as post-delivery, I would definitely throw on something soft and stretchy. :-)
ReplyDelete3 hours after delivery?? that would be really nice :) I hated the hospital. But we have a history of jaundice in the family so we didn't want to take any chances. And true to expectations, she was borderline jaundice and I'm very happy we stayed.
ReplyDeleteI would say lulus or maternity pants. Whatever is more comfortable.
Yah we have A LOT! I mean...A LOT!
ReplyDeleteAlmost all of it hand-me-downs from my son and from my nephew (who is only 6 moths younger than my little guy) I have a full arsenal of summer and winter stuff!
We have midwives for the its a little different care. The midwife comes to the house to check in on the baby...there are reasons why we may have to stay in the hospital, but under normal circumstances, we should be at home a short time after the birth!
ReplyDeletei'm all for going home as early as possible! can't wait to hear that the little man is here :)
ReplyDeletePack the lulus... but if you need those extra roomy man's sweats, wear em. Just a thought: I kinda thought of the hospital as my own personal hotel after I had my second kid. There were lovely nurses to help me with breastfeeding and look after me in my exhausted state. I was even able to get a little rest. I had a toddler at home so it helped me to give myself a little time to heal before I got back to real life.
ReplyDeleteSuper soft sweatpants - you won't remember it anyways! I have no idea what I wore home from the hospital and we were totally unprepared to be there as we were planning a home birth. We had absolutely nothing with us....not even baby clothes. My sister-in-law dropped off the car seat and a onesie for Henry...I think. It all happened on Christmas Eve as well!
ReplyDeleteNot jeans, not even maternity ones...if this is your first VBAC you'll be...ahem, tender, so soft and loose is key.
ReplyDeleteI was in the hospital for two (or three?) nights after my cesarean, and it was THE WORST...this time, I want to rush out of there as soon as possible. I only found one out of the 4 or 5 nurses was nice...
ReplyDeleteI also couldn't get any rest because there was a nurse, a specialist, an OB, a midwife, a meal delivered or guest popping their head in every time I was settled. I got zero sleep in the hospital. Can you imagine? The first two full days as a mom and I was facing a MAJOR sleep deficit. It was like some weird sleep torture. (My son was not a sleepy baby)
Everyone has different experiences...If I do have to stay longer, I hope it is a little more like yours, and I can find a sliver of time to rest!
The first time? Pajamas. Full on, white flannel, button-down-shirt-and-pants pajamas. The second time around I scraped up some pride and wore a sweatshirt and fleecy track pants. But seriously? After pushing out a watermelon, comfort is the only way to go.
ReplyDeleteNicely organized! That must make life a bit easier.
ReplyDeleteWow, three hours after is impressive! If you are leaving that soon after delivery I think you will need the very roomy sweat pants. Also, don't forget some very comfy granny panties-(ha, I love those anyways). I had surprisingly little pain or tenderness afterward, so don't be scared-- but I was given the largest hospital pad I've ever seen! Ha, so I don't think lulus could conceal that!
ReplyDeletep.s. I had that same receiving blanket with the pea pods, I loved it--so sweet. Aw, you're making me want to have another baby! Best wishes to you and your family!
I was glad I got to stay at the hospital for 3 nights with my second one. First he had jaundice, second I don't have family in town, so hubby took care of my daughter and that gave me a little time to rest. My experience was very good.
ReplyDeleteBoth mine were C sections, but sweats would be my recommendation.
I am looking at your drawer of sleepers and socks and I got these great storage cubes at IKEA that fit in drawers. The allowed me to throw everything in there but to keep the different things separate.
WoW! That must have been one exciting day!
ReplyDeleteI think I over packed for the baby and my toddler, but I stuck to the necessities for me. It doesn't seem to be a very complicated event - just INTENSE!
OK - good to know.
ReplyDeleteI would wear my pj bottoms if any of them fit! My bottom is much bigger than any of my previously baggy clothing.
ReplyDeleteOrganizing stuff is one of my favorite things to do!
ReplyDeleteI remember the hospital pads from last time (you still need them after a C)...that's why I hesitated with the lulus...First day was the worst....
ReplyDeleteMy toddler has never taken a nap or gone to bed without me. (Correction, I had a migraine on two or three separate occasions where my husband had to exhaust our son in order to get him to sleep) ... so I really can't imagine being away for one night, never mind three! I hope it doesn't come to that!
ReplyDeleteI breast fed my toddler until he was 1 year and 11 months (he weaned himself last April) my husband and I really didn't have the opportunity to share putting my son to bed...and now, my son knows exactly how to drag out his bedtime and avoid going to sleep when baba puts him down...
ReplyDeleteMy hubby still takes twice or three times as long to put either one to bed...they just know how to play him ;) I hope you guys find a routine that allows for you to share the bedtime duties...particularly now that my daughter is 4 my hubby finds that the best time of the day because she shares so much - I would hate for him to miss that. We switch each night - I put her to bed, next night I put the little guy to bed, etc.
ReplyDeleteThat's a really good idea! The switch!
ReplyDeleteHa! P.J's for me too. Packed the cutest little cotton dress (was in August) but waddled out to the car with the lovely mesh panties and mega pad under pajamas. Could have cared less...just wanted to get home and get to sleep!
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be all ready to go. I think you should be as comfortable as possible, so grab the lulus. I couldn't wait to get home either after, I hope you get to go home soo after. How does your son feel about it all? Is he excited or more nervous?