Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas decorating and stuff

- We only brought up half the Christmas decorations from storage...and didn't put everything on the tree (the snowmen scattered on the mantel did get hung on the tree...I almost forgot about them!)...I am seriously considering giving away a third of what we have...(another third - we donated a bunch of stuff to goodwill two years in a row now)
- The tree isn't exactly what I hoped for...but with a sick momma and toddler in the house,we couldn't make it out to a tree farm. (Yes, we are suffering from back-to-back nasty colds around here while caring for a newborn)
- Notice the felt booties advent calendar on the fireplace - I didn't get a chance to stock it with treats.
- We are making messes, and intending to make cookies (we will see if the cookie dough gets done before the weekend)